Nearly 65% of Americans say they WILL get a coronavirus vaccine that is 90% effective

Nearly 65% of Americans say they WILL get a coronavirus vaccine that is 90% effective – the same level of protection Pfizer says its shot offers In a new poll, 63% of respondents said they would get a coronavirus vaccine if it was 90% effective at preventing infection That figure went up to 70% for … Read more

Russia says THEIR Covid-19 vaccine is also 90% effective

Russia claimed today that its controversial Covid-19 vaccine is 90 per cent effective – shortly after Pfizer sparked a wave of optimism around the world by giving the same figure for its own vaccine.   Moscow’s so-called Sputnik V jab was approved in August before human trials were complete, prompting criticism from scientists, and today’s news … Read more

Pfizer claims coronavirus vaccine is 90% effective in clinical trial

One of the leading coronavirus vaccine candidates has proven to be 90 per cent effective, marking a major breakthrough in the global race to stop the disease.  Pfizer and BioNTech today said that early results from a massive clinical trial suggest nine out of 10 people who get their jab are protected from coronavirus by … Read more

Coronavirus vaccines must be compared and ‘only most effective used’

As scientists race to develop a coronavirus vaccine to bring the world back to normal, MailOnline has taken a look at the prospective candidates. Vaccine trials were halted on Wednesday but it may still be ready this year The Oxford Vaccine When will it be ready?: The end of 2020/ early 2021. Despite the trials … Read more

‘Safe and effective’ Covid-19 vaccine could be ready by the end of November

 A ‘safe and effective,’ Covid-19 vaccine could be ready by the end of November according to senior Trump adviser Dr Anthony Fauci as the UK Government accelerates its own timetable for a mass roll-out of the jab for NHS workers to ensure they’re treated before Christmas.  An email sent by an NHS Trust chief revealed … Read more

Study that touted neck gaiters as effective face coverings against COVID-19 is questioned

Questions have risen over a new study that claims neck gaiters do help stop the spread of the novel coronavirus. Researchers from the University of Georgia (UGA) found that the popular face coverings provided up to a 96 percent reduction in respiratory droplets compared to no mask at all. Previous studies have disputed the effectiveness … Read more

Taking antibiotics is just as effective for appendicitis as having an operation, major study finds

Having an operation to remove your appendix may become a thing of the past after a study found antibiotics are just as effective as the surgery. Doctors split 1,500 patients who suddenly fell ill with appendicitis, which makes the organ swollen and painful, into two groups. One received a course of antibiotics, while the others … Read more

Government unveils huge shake-up of rail network to create ‘more effective structure’

The end of the rail franchise: Government unveils huge shake-up of network to create ‘more effective structure’ as ministers extend emergency measures introduced to keep trains running during pandemic Measures to keep trains running during the pandemic have been extended  Operators have moved to ‘transitional contracts’ ahead of the move   The Department for Transport promises … Read more

NIH panel says not enough data showing plasma therapy is effective at treating coronavirus

US health officials divided over plasma treatment for COVID-19: NIH panel says the newly FDA-approved treatment touted by Trump makes ‘no difference’ to coronavirus survival odds Convalescent plasma therapy is when the liquid portion of blood is taken from a recovered coronavirus patient It is transferred into a sick patient in hopes they will develop … Read more

Councils send just ONE litter fine per week as campaigners call for more ‘effective’ deterrent

Councils send just ONE litter fine per week: Clean-up campaigners call for more ‘effective’ deterrent to stop people dropping rubbish on the streets as it emerges one in six local authorities issued no penalties in a YEAR Campaigners have called for the £150 on-the-spot fine to be raised to £1,000 Councils gave 116,000 fines for … Read more