Boris’s Brexit deal is set to help boost the economy by 6.1% next year

The economy will bounce back in 2021 helped by the post-Brexit trade deal, experts said last night. After a bleak year dominated by the coronavirus crisis, business leaders claimed the agreement with Brussels would serve as a springboard toward a ‘bright future’. The pound and financial markets are tipped to rise and a leading accountancy … Read more

After a slow start to 2021 the global economy should be off to the races

The prospects for the global economy in 2021 hinge on the same thing that has dominated 2020; the pandemic. The fundamental difference, of course, is that this year the pandemic was a surprise, whereas next year it will be a known quantity that we have the tools to defeat. A successful vaccination programme across some … Read more

RICHARD LITTLEJOHN: In what universe does closing the hospitality sector ‘protect the economy’?

Grim Reaper Matt Hancock prefaced his Commons announcement of yet another ruinous lockdown in London, Hertfordshire and Essex with a blood-curdling warning about a new super strain of coronavirus which has just been identified by ‘the science’. Presumably, this ingenious variant only attacks people in pubs not gyms, and restaurants not shops. Even so, it’s … Read more

RUTH SUNDERLAND: Old are valuable asset to economy

RUTH SUNDERLAND: Affluent ‘young-old’ have amassed billions of savings before and during pandemic and will be spending it once virus has been tamed As a society, we are conflicted in our attitudes to old age and the economics of an ageing population  We are simultaneously protective and dismissive, a contradiction that has been highlighted by … Read more

Capital’s economy faces ‘killer blow’ if plunged into Tier 3

London‘s economy could face a ‘killer blow’ should it be plunged into Tier 3 next week, business leaders have said, as a new Covid-19 spike was blamed on prison outbreaks.  A decision on whether the capital will enter the toughest level of coronavirus restrictions is due on Wednesday, with any confirmed changes set to come … Read more

Bailey urges big banks to keep on lending and support the UK economy 

Bailey urges the big banks to keep on lending and support the battered UK economy By Daily Mail City & Finance Reporter Published: 21:51 GMT, 11 December 2020 | Updated: 21:51 GMT, 11 December 2020 Bank of England governor Andrew Bailey Bank of England governor Andrew Bailey has urged industry heavyweights to keep lending and … Read more

House price inflation shows the stamp duty holiday was a false economy

House price figures should be taken with a pinch of salt. The big name indices are based on a variety of different data sets, ranging from asking prices, to mortgages and actual transactions. Meanwhile, even the gold standard ONS / Land Registry’s sold prices report doesn’t capture what happens to the properties that don’t sell … Read more

How a No-deal Brexit may affect UK food supplies, travel and economy

Boris Johnson and Ursula von der Leyen have set a deadline of this Sunday for a breakthrough in post-Brexit trade talks between the UK and the EU.  There are now just three weeks until the end of the ‘standstill’ transition period and the two sides remain deadlocked on a series of crunch issues.  With time … Read more

UK economy grew by just 0.4% in October but remains 7.9% below pre-pandemic levels

UK economy was ALREADY slowing before blanket lockdown in England with growth of just 0.4% in October leaving it 8% smaller than before pandemic – amid fears it has since gone into reverse again UK economy has grown for six months running according to official statistics  Office for National Statistics says it has grown by … Read more