Boris Johnson announcing 2030 ban on sales of petrol and diesel cars

Sales of new petrol and diesel cars are to be banned in 2030, Boris Johnson will announce today. Paving the way for an electric vehicle revolution, he is to unveil a ten-point, £12billion plan for the environment. It includes further investment in nuclear power, wind energy, domestic heating and cutting-edge technology such as carbon capture … Read more

RICHARD KAY: How The Crown lost the plot

How far have you got with the new series of The Crown? Are you taking it one instalment a week or have you binge-watched all ten episodes? One way or another, the Netflix show — with its lavish budget, exquisite locations and endless boasts of authenticity — has shaped the way millions of people have … Read more

Boris Johnson takes a coronavirus test despite having NO symptoms

Boris Johnson takes a coronavirus test despite having NO symptoms as Downing Street says it is ‘trialling’ rapid screening kits Boris Johnson has tested negative for coronavirus as he self-isolates in No10 The PM received a rapid test despite showing no symptoms of the disease  No10 said that the lateral flow tests were being trialled … Read more

Janet Street-Porter trusts Boris Johnson’s dog Dilyn more than PM

I’ve got one simple question – who’s in charge? Number 10 Downing Street is fast turning into Calamity Central, with the Prime Minister, six MP’s and two aides self-isolating after being ‘pinged’ by our ‘world beating’ Test and Trace app. There are bound be more casualties – it’s well known that Boris doesn’t wear a … Read more

Rees-Mogg lashes out at ‘cowardly’ briefings against Carrie Symonds

Jacob Rees-Mogg lashes out at ‘cowardly and disgraceful’ briefings against Carrie Symonds as he denies she is ‘manipulating’ the PM By James Tapsfield, Political Editor For Mailonline Published: 16:44 GMT, 17 November 2020 | Updated: 16:44 GMT, 17 November 2020 Jacob Rees-Mogg today waded into the Downing Street briefing war slamming ‘cowardly and disgraceful’ attacks … Read more

Boris Johnson’s ‘reset’ chaos continues as isolating PM DITCHES major environmental speech

Boris Johnson’s ‘reset’ chaos continues as isolating Prime Minister DITCHES major environmental speech tomorrow as he attempts to breathe new life into his premiership PM reported to be planning to unveil a 10-point plan to tackle climate change Among them is ban on new petrol/diesel car sales from 2030 instead of 2035 But it is … Read more

No10 ‘will hand back control of special advisers to ministers’

The Cummings clearout: No10 ‘will hand back control of special advisers to ministers’ as maverick aide’s legacy is dramatically torched Special advisers had to report directly to Dominic Cummings under old regime But new regime led by acting chief of staff Edward Lister is tearing up old rules Means special advisers will once again report … Read more

Matt Hancock references to ‘JVT’ inspire Alan Partridge comparisons

Matt Hancock has tonight been mockingly compared to comedic radio host character Alan Partridge after referring to England’s deputy chief medical officer as ‘JVT’. In a cringe-worthy segment of tonight’s Downing Street press conference, the Health Secretary took over from his colleague by saying ‘thanks JVT’ – an abbreviation of Jonathan Van Tam. It came … Read more

Matt Hancock mockingly compared to Alan Partridge after saying we must ‘nurture the candle of hope’

Matt Hancock has tonight been mockingly compared to comedic radio host character Alan Partridge after referring to England’s deputy chief medical officer as ‘JVT’. In a cringe-worthy segment of tonight’s Downing Street press conference, the Health Secretary took over from his colleague by saying ‘thanks JVT’ – an abbreviation of Jonathan Van Tam. It came … Read more

Matt Hancock says the ‘thousands suffering long Covid’ proves the coronavirus can ‘strike us all’

Health Secretary Matt Hancock has warned the ‘many thousands of people suffering from long Covid’ highlights how the virus does not just prey on the elderly.  As many as 60,000 people of all ages in the UK are thought to be suffering from long-lasting effects of coronavirus, which linger after the original illness has cleared up. … Read more