Donald Trump complains he gets ‘no credit’ for handling coronavirus but also touts ‘great reviews’

President Donald Trump on Monday touted ‘great reviews’ for his administration’s handling of the coronavirus – even as he complained he gets ‘no credit’ for making governors look good with a crash program to get medical gear.  Trump sent out the tweet as the nation ticked closer to the disturbing milestone of 100,000 deaths due … Read more

Former UK Prime Minister blasts Donald Trump’s leadership

Former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair questions Trump’s leadership in facing ‘terrifying’ coronavirus pandemic and says the ‘absence of global coordination’ worries him Former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair, who served from 1997 to 2007, questioned President Donald Trump’s leadership amid the pandemic in an interview Friday He pointed out that there’s a lack of global … Read more

Donald Trump heads to the golf course instead of church on Sunday

President Donald Trump spent his second day in a row on his Washington D.C. area golf course Sunday, opting to play the links after he encouraged churches to reopen for services. While Washington D.C. remains under a stay-at-home order, parts of Virginia and Maryland have entered phase one of reopening, which allows religious institutions to reopen … Read more

Donald Trump is seen golfing for the first time since the outbreak began and shakes hands on course 

Donald Trump has been pictured going golfing for the first time since the coronavirus outbreak started ramping up on US soil – but failed to practice social distancing with his golf buddies.   The president enjoyed a leisurely start to Memorial Day weekend as he arrived at his Trump National Golf Club in Virginia Saturday for … Read more

Donald Trump says he is designating churches as ‘essential’

President Donald Trump on Friday staged a dramatic unscheduled news conference to proclaim that he would require governors to reopen churches and other houses of worship and exempt them from coronavirus lockdowns.     Trump issued a brief statement – and avoided questions – in the White House briefing room, as more and mores states are reopening … Read more

Donald Trump is FINALLY pictured wearing a mask during private tour of Michigan Ford plant

Donald Trump was finally photographed wearing a mask Thursday during the private section of a high-profile visit to a Ford factory – but spent the entire public part of the tour defying its boss Bill Ford’s request to cover up. In public, Trump held the navy blue face covering with the seal of the president … Read more

Donald Trump brandishes a personalized POTUS mask but REFUSES to wear it in public 

President Donald Trump defied Michigan’s mandatory face covering policy on Thursday and toured a Ford Motor factory with no mask even though the company’s executive chairman asked him to put on one. President Trump said he wore a face mask while in the back area of the factory – and showed off the navy blue … Read more

Donald Trump pulls out of ‘open skies’ treaty which lets Russia fly over U.S. military sites

The United States announced its intention to withdraw from the 35-nation Open Skies treaty that permits unarmed aerial surveillance flights over participating countries, saying Russia has repeatedly violated the pact’s terms. Senior administration officials said the pullout will formally take place in six months, based on the treaty’s withdrawal terms. It was the latest move … Read more

Donald Trump slams Nancy Pelosi as ‘sick’ after she called him ‘morbidly obese’

President Donald Trump on Tuesday blasted Speaker Nancy Pelosi as a ‘sick woman’ with a lot of ‘mental problems’ after she called him ‘morbidly obese’ and he claimed academic research showing the dangers of hydroxychloroquine was done by his enemies. ‘Pelosi is a sick woman she’s got a lot of problems, a lot of mental … Read more

Donald Trump reveals he has defied doctors’ warnings by taking unproven drug hydroxychloroquine

Donald Trump has revealed that he is taking anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine to protect himself against coronavirus, leading to backlash from medics around the world. The president, 73, said he began taking the drug ‘a week and a half’ ago because ‘good things are being said about it’, including by medics who have written to him. … Read more