People who struggle to sleep are a fifth more likely to develop type 2 diabetes, study

People who struggle to get a good night’s sleep are significantly more likely to develop type 2 diabetes, even if they are a healthy weight. A review of more than 1,000 scientific studies into diabetes found insomniacs were at a 17 per cent risk compared to good sleepers. Type 2 diabetes is linked in most … Read more

High blood pressure and diabetes ‘can impair thinking and memory’

Diabetes and high blood pressure cause ‘structural changes’ in the brain that make people’s thinking slower and their memory worse, scans show Sufferers had ‘structural changes’ in the brain’s grey and white matter When these individuals did a memory test they performed worse than others High blood pressure was associated with mental decline in mid-life, … Read more

NHS enrolls 5,000 patients in mass trial of its soups and shakes diet to REVERSE diabetes

Thousands of people with type 2 diabetes are being enrolled into an NHS trial of ‘soups and shakes’ diet which has been proven to reverse the illness    A total of 5,000 patients in England have been signed up to trial the radical 12-month diet programme to slim them down and restore their health. Volunteers will … Read more

Doctors to trial treatment for Covid-19 patients with diabetes

A ‘potentially life-saving’ treatment for coronavirus patients with diabetes will begin human trials in Britain this week. Doctors will test an AstraZeneca-made drug called AZD1656 to see if it can reduce the risk of serious illness or death for infected diabetics.  Patients with type 1 or type 2 diabetes face up to three times the … Read more

Scientists create insulin-producing pancreatic cells that could treat type 1 diabetes

Could THIS be a cure for diabetes? Scientists create insulin-making pancreatic cells that escape the disease’s attacks and can be transplanted into patients Researchers created clusters of beta-like cells that are produced in the pancreas from stem cells Adding two proteins to the cells ‘turbo-charged’ them to produce insulin and kept the immune system from … Read more

Covid-19 ‘could cause type 1 diabetes in children’

Covid-19 could lead to type 1 diabetes, researchers fear after witnessing a spike in cases of the disease among infected children.     Academics at Imperial College London looked at how many youngsters had been diagnosed at five paediatric units across the capital.  Around 30 children were diagnosed with type 1 diabetes between March 23 and June … Read more

DJ Neil Fox says lockdown inspired him to beat diabetes by going on a diet and has already lost 3kg

DJ Neil Fox says lockdown has inspired him to beat diabetes by going on a strict no carbs diet and has already lost 3kg in three weeks By Jack Newman For Mailonline Published: 09:56 BST, 11 August 2020 | Updated: 09:56 BST, 11 August 2020 DJ Neil ‘Dr’ Fox says lockdown has inspired him to … Read more

Beat type 2 diabetes in middle age – and you could fight off Alzheimer’s

Not for nothing has type 2 diabetes been dubbed ‘a 21st Century epidemic’. Year after year, numbers continue to spiral upward. At the last count, one in ten Britons over 40 are living with a diagnosis – and this condition eats up a tenth of the annual £134billion NHS budget. And, over the past decade, … Read more

Eating cinnamon could help stave off diabetes, study shows 

Eating plenty of cinnamon could help people with high blood sugar levels stave off diabetes, a new study has revealed.  The fragrant spice, taken from the bark of trees, improves blood sugar control in people with early diabetes signs and could slow the progression to type 2 diabetes. In experiments in the US, cinnamon supplements … Read more