Twist in search for MH370 as debris wash up on Far North Queensland beach

BY AUSTRALIAN ASSOCIATED PRESS March 8, 2014: MH370 disappears from the radar 40 minutes into its flight from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing with 227 passengers and 12 crew on board April 8, 2014: An Australian ship hears two signals consistent with MH370’s flight recorders in waters west of Australia. ‘I’m now optimistic that we will … Read more

ISS moves to avoid space debris caused by the breakup of a 2019 Japanese rocket

International Space Station is forced to carry out an emergency manoeuvre to avoid being hit by a piece of debris from a 2018 Japanese rocket Flight controllers worked for two and a half minutes to adjust the station’s orbit This was to avoid a piece of space junk created by the breakup of a 2018 … Read more

£1million funding to tackle space debris which could destroy the ISS

Space debris — detritus orbiting Earth from satellites — is a growing problem which threatens the future of human space exploration.  To tackle this issue, the Business Secretary Alok Sharma has announced £1million in funding, via the UK Space Agency (UKSA), for seven space-cleaning programmes.  Astronomers are concerned that high-value craft in low-Earth orbit, such … Read more

Earth has been travelling through a cloud of radioactive debris for 33,000 years

Earth has been travelling through a cloud of radioactive debris left behind by ancient star explosions for the last 33,000 years, deep-sea sediments reveal Researchers examined deep-sea sediment to look of radioactive isotopes  They found examples of iron-60 that is formed in the explosions of dying stars The isotopes had to have fallen to the … Read more

Russia has 14,000 pieces of ‘space junk’ debris orbiting Earth

Space junk is littering the final frontier and Russia has contributed more to the collection than any other country. A new infographic reveals which countries owns the garbage floating in space and Russia is responsible for 14,403 pieces and the US comes in second with 8,734. The compiled data shows more than 30,000 particles from … Read more

Planet Nine is a MIRAGE according to experts who say it is a sprawling disk of icy debris

A planet with 10 times the mass of Earth located beyond Pluto is the Holy Grail among many astronomers, but new developments suggest the elusive Planet Nine may be nothing more than a mirage. Researchers propose that the mysterious planet is ‘collective gravity’, which is a sprawling disk of icy debris that consists of millions … Read more