Keeping us locked down will cause more deaths and cripple a generation, claims HUGH OSMOND 

Keeping us locked down will cause more deaths and cripple a generation. There is another way, says Hugh Osmond Over the past three weeks, I – like so many business owners and leaders – have been forced to shut down companies that took years to build up, putting loyal staff out of work, many of … Read more

Have we gone too far? I fear lockdown is also harming the nation’s health, writes Dr MAX PEMBERTON

Whisper it… but could it be we have gone too far? That is the alarming question my colleagues and I are beginning to ask, firstly of ourselves and then, cautiously, of each other. In our understandable but frenzied drive to ‘Save the NHS’ from the scourge of coronavirus, are we inflicting long-term damage on millions … Read more

TOM LEONARD: Could Donald Trump’s coronavirus tantrums cost him a second term in the White House?

To those in Britain and across the world who hope and pray that their political leaders are up to the challenges posed by coronavirus, well, just be thankful you don’t live in the US. Yesterday, Donald Trump compared the governors of states who might seek to defy him over his desire to end the lockdown … Read more

ALEX BRUMMER: Lockdown could kill more than coronavirus

No one can fail to be moved by the tragic tales of tireless public service workers, elderly family members and desperately young people struck down and killed by the scourge of coronavirus. As our horrendous death toll climbs well past the 10,000 benchmark, I know first-hand people who, without rhyme or reason, have been cut … Read more