UK is ‘on track to suffer 30,000 MORE Covid deaths’ because lockdown has been lifted too early

The UK is on track to suffer another 30,000 coronavirus deaths because lockdown has been lifted too early, an ‘alternative SAGE’ panel of experts warned today.  Infection rates have stopped falling for the first time in months due to people starting to meet up again, the independent scientists say. About 3,000 people are still catching … Read more

Britain announces 186 more Covid-19 deaths

Britain announces 186 more coronavirus deaths as the average daily number of victims creeps up for the SECOND day in a row with official number of Covid-19 fatalities now standing at 43,414 Department of Health data shows the official daily toll is 7.5 per cent higher than the 173 recorded last Friday  The lab-confirmed death … Read more

Coronavirus deaths have cost the US more than 138,000 years of life

Coronavirus has cost the US more than 138,000 years in potential human life, according to a Harvard University study.  Although coronavirus is particularly dangerous to older people, the infection has by no means spared young people.  Harvard researchers calculated years of life lost based on how many people under the age of 65 have died … Read more

‘Coronavirus paradox’: Protective measures reduced other deaths

The number of deaths in England and Wales was actually lower than average before Covid-19 struck the UK, researchers have found in a discovery they have branded the coronavirus paradox. Academics say protective measures used to fight Covid-19 — such as encouraging people to social distance and wash their hands more often — appear to … Read more

Britain announces 56 more Covid-19 deaths in preliminary toll

Britain today announced just 56 Covid-19 deaths as separate figures confirmed the outbreak is fizzling out after terrorizing the nation for three months, with the number of coronavirus fatalities now falling in every age group for the first time since the crisis began. Department of Health bosses have yet to confirm the final toll, which … Read more

Covid-19 deaths are now falling in ALL age groups in England and Wales

The number of people dying of the coronavirus is now falling in every age group for the first time since the start of Britain’s crisis, official statistics revealed today. In the week ending June 12, 865 people died with Covid-19 in England and Wales — the lowest weekly number in three months, since the seven-day … Read more

Coronavirus: UK announces more deaths for Monday

Britain today announced just 15 more Covid-19 deaths in the lowest daily toll since 10 days before lockdown was introduced, as the outbreak that once terrorized the nation continues to fizzle out. Department of Health figures show 42,647 Britons have now died after testing positive for the coronavirus — but the actual number has already … Read more

Coronavirus: UK announces more deaths on Sunday

Another 27 victims of the coronavirus were confirmed across the UK today, taking the total number of people to have died so far to 42,616. A preliminary count from NHS England and the Scottish, Welsh and Northern Irish governments suggests Britain is on track for its lowest death toll in three months. The NHS said … Read more

Britain announces another new low of 128 more Covid-19 deaths

Britain has recorded 128 more coronavirus deaths in the lowest Saturday rise since lockdown, taking the total number of victims in the UK to 42,589. The newly-released figure marks the smallest jump since Saturday March 21, two days before lockdown, when 56 people died from the virus, and is a significant drop from the record high of 1,115 … Read more

Britain announces 129 more Covid-19 deaths

Britain today recorded 128 more coronavirus deaths in the lowest Saturday rise post-lockdown, taking the total number of victims to 42,589.  More than 303,000 people have now tested positive for the viral disease, after 1,295 Britons were diagnosed in the last day – but millions of cases have gone unreported because of a lack of widespread … Read more