ANDREW PIERCE: How darkly ironic that free school meals were a TORY idea… shot down by the Left

Who dismissed a ground-breaking report on a new initiative to extend free school meals to Britain’s neediest children, saying it was greeted with ‘at best eye-rolling and at worst exasperation’? Some hard-hearted member of the Tory Party for whom those living in poverty have only themselves to blame? A diehard critic of the welfare state … Read more

Sienna Miller makes radiant appearance at online screening of her new film Wander Darkly

It was an appearance to mark the screening of her new film Wander Darkly at the annual AFI Film Festival.  But as is the way with these things during the coronavirus year of 2020, instead of being out in Sunny LA, Sienna Miller spoke about her new film from the comfort of her home on … Read more