We MUST find out why so many black and Asian Britons are dying from coronavirus, doctors urge

Britain’s most senior doctors have demanded immediate Government action to tackle soaring fatalities from Covid-19 in black and Asian communities. Many fear Ministers have seriously misjudged the scale of the coronavirus crisis affecting ethnic minorities, and say it is ‘a matter of life and death’ that health chiefs tackle the issue head-on. In an unprecedented … Read more

Six Tory donors urge Boris Johnson to ease coronavirus lockdown

Boris Johnson is facing mounting calls to ease the lockdown from multiple flanks of his own party including donors, cabinet ministers and rebellious MPs. The Prime Minister will return to work in Downing Street on Monday to find restlessness brewing in the Tory ranks for restrictions to be relaxed.  Wealthy backers who have poured millions … Read more

Newsreader CHARLENE WHITE reveals how coronavirus has killed her great-aunt and two friends

As soon as my Aunty Eleanor’s name flashed up on my phone, my heart fell. I knew what was coming. I silently answered, to hear her sobbing, and barely able to speak. After weeks of trying its best to take her, Covid-19 had won. My Great Aunt Dell was gone. Just days earlier, her son … Read more

Egg fried rice and chow mein have overtaken pizza, curry and burger orders on Deliveroo

Egg fried rice and chow mein have overtaken pizza, curry and burger orders on Deliveroo during coronavirus lockdown, figures reveal More Britons are ordering chicken chow mein than curry on the Deliveroo app Delivery app also finds that people are ordering half an hour earlier than before Expert says Britons are turning to Chinese as … Read more

China shuts gyms and swimming pools while country battles second wave of coronavirus 

New coronavirus cases have forced Chinese gyms to close – just weeks after reopening. The country appeared to be getting a stranglehold on the killer bug, which first emerged in the city of Wuhan, but is now facing up to a second wave of infection. People returning to China from overseas are once again being … Read more

Intensive care units are running low on EIGHT key drugs as doctors are forced to use alternatives

Doctors are prescribing medicines they haven’t used for 20 years and others that may cause heart attacks as hospitals run low on eight key drugs. Sedative drugs used to treat patients with the worst coronavirus symptoms in intensive care have been included on a list of drugs banned for exportation in an effort to ensure … Read more

DR MICHAEL MOSLEY: Do statins raise the risk of Covid-19? Well, I’ve not stopped taking mine

If you spend a lot of time on Twitter (and I do at the moment), you can end up reading some very odd claims. Apparently smoking protects against Covid-19, the virus is using the 5G mobile-phone network to spread, and eating raw garlic will keep corona at bay. Needless to say, many of the claims … Read more

DAN HODGES: The inconvenient truth for Boris’s critics is that he did follow the science

When the coronavirus crisis began, Boris Johnson and his Ministers wanted to follow the science.  But thanks to the paranoia and false pride of the Chinese government, there was precious little science to follow.  ‘We found it very difficult to get any hard information out of China at the beginning,’ a Minister told me.  ‘When … Read more

DR ELLIE CANNON: Should my kids wear a mask… and should I if no one else does?

Should my kids wear a mask… and should I if no one else does? DR ELLIE CANNON answers your questions on coronavirus By Dr Ellie Cannon for The Mail on Sunday Published: 22:01 BST, 25 April 2020 | Updated: 01:36 BST, 26 April 2020 I’ve decided to wear a home-made mask when I go to … Read more

From Netflix to Ocado, firms that can deliver boost to your portfolio

You don’t have to be a financial genius to notice that while there are many economic losers from the current situation, there are winners as well.  With more than half the world currently under some form of lockdown due to Covid-19, the businesses that are still able to serve our needs are reporting increased profits … Read more