‘Havering Hoard’ reveals Britons preened themselves with bronze razors and tweezers 2,900 years ago

The largest ever haul of Bronze Age items unearthed in London has revealed insight into the beauty regime and lifestyles of Britons 2,900 years ago. A double-sided razor and a pair of tweezers discovered in London date back to around 900BC and form part of the Havering Hoard.  They were both made from the copper … Read more

Remains of a Bronze Age chieftain are unearthed in Gloucestershire

Archaeologists have uncovered the first evidence in the British Isles of a holy man being sacrificed to guide his chieftain through the afterlife. The remains of a Bronze Age leader were found in a 4,000-year-old burial mound in Gloucestershire alongside valuable rugs, a horde of goods and the the body of a shaman in a … Read more

Bronze Age warriors developed sophisticated sword-fighting techniques

Warriors duelling with bronze swords in the millennia before iron weapons were crafted employed sophisticated fighting methods, a study has found.  Researchers assessed the dings and dents on 110 Bronze Age swords and used modern replicas and hand-to-hand combat to investigate the cause of the damage. They discovered evidence of fighting methods similar to those … Read more