Chinese social media giant TikTok scraps plan to build global HQ in Britain

Chinese social media giant TikTok has reportedly shelved plans to build a global headquarters in London amid growing concern about Beijing’s influence in Britain. TikTok, a viral video app which is popular among teenagers, had been in discussions with the Department for International Trade and No 10 to establish a worldwide base in the capital. … Read more

Britain won’t need another national lockdown, claims Boris Johnson 

Britain won’t need another national lockdown, claims Boris Johnson as he says he doesn’t want to use ‘that tool’ any more than Trident  Prime Minister has played down prospect of second national Covid-19 lockdown  He said he would not want to do it any more than Britain’s nuclear deterrent  His comments come as he celebrates … Read more

Chinese owned TikTok’s plans to establish a global HQ in Britain are now in doubt after Huawei row

A controversial Chinese social-media firm’s plans to establish its global headquarters in the UK have been thrown into doubt amid growing concern about Beijing’s influence in Britain. TikTok, a viral video app that is hugely popular among teenagers, had earmarked London as a possible location for its HQ as part of an attempt to distance … Read more

Sir Keir Starmer led the charge to allow ISIS bride Shamima Begum to return to Britain

Revealed: Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer led the charge to allow ISIS bride Shamima Begum to return to Britain amid signs of a split among Tory MPs Sir Keir Starmer led a chorus of support for Shamima Begum’s return last year He said in 2019 that stripping Begum of UK citizenship ‘was the wrong decision’   The … Read more

Cut VAT on fuel to get Britain moving, says Moto chief

Ken McMeikan knows how to get his point across to politicians. While running high street chain Greggs in 2012, he made George Osborne scrap his plans for a ‘pasty tax’ on hot takeaway goods by climbing a stepladder outside Downing Street dressed as a baker and blasting his opposition to the policy through a megaphone.  … Read more

Key index puts Britain ahead of G7 for recovery

Britain’s economic prospects for rest of this year and into 2021 brighter than average for G7 advanced economies By Dan Atkinson, Financial Mail on Sunday Published: 21:55 BST, 18 July 2020 | Updated: 21:56 BST, 18 July 2020 Britain’s economic prospects for the rest of this year and into 2021 are shining brighter than the … Read more

Britain at its best: Speyside in Scotland promises barrel loads of joy

Britain at its best: Speyside in Scotland promises barrel loads of joy with its 50 whiskey distilleries Speyside stretches from Inverness and into the Cairngorms National Park   There are around 50 whiskey distilleries in Speyside – go on the Glenfiddich tour Shakespeare located the murder of Duncan by Macbeth at Inverness Castle By Rob Crossan … Read more

Is summer 2020 the year drive-in cinema and events take off in Britain?

When I think of drive-in cinema, my mind instantly goes to the US: drop-top Cadillacs, hamburgers delivered by smiling staff on roller skates and in particular, the scene in iconic 1970s movie Grease with Danny and Sandy. In Britain, these events have never really taken off – they are seen as a novelty: why not … Read more

How Britain teaches China to conquer the West: UK’s top universities share research with China

As relations between the West and China plummet to new depths, we can at least take comfort from the fact that many of our leading academic institutions are still enjoying a healthy collaboration with their Chinese equivalents. Or can we? At times of conflict, the very word ‘collaboration’ has unfortunate connotations. An investigation by the … Read more

What’s in store for Britain? Casinos and bowling alleys to open within a fortnight

What’s in store for Britain? Casinos and bowling alleys to open within a fortnight, wedding receptions for 30 people and hugs in time for Christmas (but nightclubs are staying shut) Prime Minister Boris Johnson set out optimistic vision to ditch social distancing Top scientists poured cold water on the idea life could soon return to … Read more