Virtual Boris addressing the Commons is like a goldfish bumping against its bowl, says HENRY DEEDES

Boris Johnson was moving through the gears nicely in the Commons yesterday as he laid out next week’s post-lockdown restrictions. There was a pep in his step. A swing to his swagger. Then as Mark Harper (Con, Forest of Dean) pushed the PM to provide the economic impact of his restrictions…zoiks! The PM was rendered … Read more

Boris Becker appears downcast the day after his 53rd birthday as he puffs on a cigarette

Boris Becker appears downcast the day after his 53rd birthday as he puffs on a cigarette during solo walk by the river in London amid legal woes By Andrew Bullock For Mailonline Published: 01:59 GMT, 24 November 2020 | Updated: 07:11 GMT, 24 November 2020 Boris Becker looked a little downcast as he took a … Read more

I thought Boris Johnson was looking out for landlords like me… but not any more, says ADAM BROOKS

Just when we pub landlords were hoping a busy Christmas might salvage our industry following a succession of crippling restrictions, it transpired yesterday that once again we are being thrown to the wolves for no good scientific reason. Yes, the second lockdown may be coming to an end. But Boris Johnson‘s grim new tier system … Read more

Boris Johnson says MPs should NOT get a £3,000 pay rise

Boris Johnson today insisted that MPs should not get a pay rise in the spring as No10 hinted it could block the Commons watchdog’s plans. Downing Street waded into the row amid a furious backlash at the idea politicians could receive more money while the wider public sector faces a freeze and coronavirus hammers the … Read more

Coronavirus UK: Boris Johnson’s Winter Plan in full

Boris Johnson today published a 56-page Winter Plan mapping out coronavirus rules which will apply to daily life until the Spring when the Government hopes draconian curbs can start to be lifted for good. The Prime Minister confirmed the England-wide lockdown will end as planned on December 2 and the nation will then move back into … Read more

Coronavirus UK: Boris Johnson reveals post-lockdown plan

Boris Johnson today set out plans for a strengthened three-tier system of coronavirus restrictions to replace the national lockdown in England. The Prime Minister paved the way for a limited relaxation at Christmas as he detailed his winter strategy this afternoon in the House of Commons. Appearing via videolink from his test and trace-ordered quarantine, … Read more

Boris Johnson unveils post-December 2 lockdown ‘Tiers’

Boris Johnson heralded a last push to see off the coronavirus crisis today holding out the prospect that lockdown could be lifted altogether by April – after another dramatic vaccine breakthrough. In a Commons statement delivered from self-isolation in Downing Street, the Prime Minister said there is an ‘escape route in sight’ as he confirmed … Read more

Boris Johnson preparing to intervene in Brexit trade talks with the EU

Boris Johnson will intervene in Brexit talks this week amid a ‘final push’ for a trade deal with the EU before Tuesday deadline Prime Minister Boris Johnson preparing to call EU chief Ursula von der Leyen  Negotiations are ongoing but two sides are stuck on fishing rights and state aid Brussels is said to want … Read more

DOMINIC LAWSON: Boris Johnson ducks paying his own bills. No wonder he doesn’t worry about yours 

To be Chancellor of the Exchequer is never a barrel of laughs. Even less so now when — largely as a result of the economics of the coronavirus pandemic — output has plummeted and public debt is soaring. So it is a tribute to Rishi Sunak‘s remarkable ease under pressure that he was able yesterday … Read more

FTSE 100 rises before Boris Johnson reveals details of new Covid plan

Stock market creeps up 0.49% or 31 points to 6,382 after Oxford and AstraZeneca announce vaccine success with Boris Johnson set to reveal details of new Covid winter battle plan later today City awaits Boris Johnson’s plans for a strengthened three-tier system of rules FTSE 100 index of Britain’s leading firms up by 0.49% or … Read more