Coronavirus UK: Thousands of ventilators bought at peak never used

Thousands of ventilators bought to treat Covid-19 patients are sitting in warehouses due to a lack of demand, the spending watchdog has revealed. Ministers prioritised ‘speed over cost’, meaning they paid 50 per cent over the odds for foreign-supplied machines, the National Audit Office (NAO) found. In one case, 750 ventilators purchased at a cost of … Read more

ROSS CLARK: Until recently, Boris Johnson had a reputation as a libertarian

Coming from any British prime minister, the new restrictions on our day-to-day lives imposed over the past couple of weeks would be extraordinary. Over large parts of England it is now illegal to meet up with a friend or family member, even outdoors where the virus is far less likely to spread. Up to 16million … Read more

Brexit legislation allowing breaking of international law PASSES

Boris Johnson‘s controversial Brexit legislation which allows the Government to break international law has been backed by MPs. The Internal Market Bill tonight cleared its final stage in the House of Commons by 340 votes to 256 and now passes to the Lords for further scrutiny. It allows ministers to override parts of the Brexit … Read more

Brexit legislation allowing ministers to break international law PASSES

Boris Johnson‘s controversial Brexit legislation which allows the Government to break international law has been backed by MPs. The Internal Market Bill tonight cleared its final stage in the House of Commons by 340 votes to 256 and now passes to the Lords for further scrutiny. It allows ministers to override parts of the Brexit … Read more

Boris Johnson will offer every adult in England without an A-level a fully-funded college course

Boris Johnson will use a speech to promise guaranteed opportunities for life-long learning as he looks to help create a jobs recovery after the pandemic. Chancellor Rishi Sunak last week, when unveiling his plan to support jobs after the furlough scheme is wound down next month, admitted not every job can be saved following the … Read more

Jennifer Arcuri turns on ‘dictator’ Boris Johnson calling ‘cowardly’ PM a ‘puppet on a string’

Boris Johnson‘s former close friend Jennifer Arcuri spectacularly turned on the PM today branding him ‘nothing short of a dictator’ and ‘the worst kind of leader’. The technology entrepreneur, 35, likened him to a ‘puppet on a string’ but stopped short of total condemnation, admitting ‘I don’t believe he is evil’. But she added ‘Nobody trusts … Read more

Manchester mayor Andy Burnham calls for 9pm alcohol sale curfew

Manchester mayor Andy Burnham calls for alcohol sales to be banned ANYWHERE after 9pm to stop post-pub parties in areas with 10pm last orders Andy Burnham has led calls for the government to review its 10pm pub curfew The Manchester mayor also suggested a 9pm cut off for alcohol sales in shops Government slammed for … Read more

Cherie Blair says it will be ‘tough’ for Boris Johnson and Carrie to bring up baby Wilfred at No.11

Cherie Blair says it’ll be ‘tough’ for Boris Johnson and Carrie Symonds to raise baby Wilfred at No.11 because being PM is a ’24/7 job’ that takes time away from the family and there’s ‘no privacy’ Cherie, 66, had her youngest son Leo, now aged 20, when in Downing Street Asked about Boris, she said … Read more

Matt Hancock says he will meet with Tory rebels amid Covid fury

Desperate Matt Hancock hinted at concessions tonight as he faced the fury of Tory MPs over plunging the country into a new coronavirus lockdown. The Health Secretary was repeatedly assailed by MPs as he updated the Commons on the day that another raft of new rules and punishments came into force. He said restrictions will … Read more

A £4,000 fine for ‘recklessly’ leaving self-isolation and pub loud music banunder new Covid rules

New laws and fines at a glance:   Fines for people who refuse to self-isolate, starting at £1,000 and rising to £10,000 for serial repeat offenders. But if you are found to have ‘recklessly’ left self-isolation – the fine starts at £4,000  Recklessly is described as deliberately going somewhere crowded where you could infect others – … Read more