Social isolation during lockdown causes blood pressure to soar

Nearly a quarter of emergency patients admitted to an Argentine hospital during coronavirus lockdown between March 20 and June 25 suffered high blood pressure.  Out of 1,643 patients, 391 (23.8 per cent) were found to have the condition. This percentage is more than a third (37 per cent) higher than the comparative figure for the same three … Read more

Covid-19 patients with high blood pressure or diabetes at risk of fatal brain complications

People with high blood pressure or diabetes who catch Covid-19 are more likely to develop potentially fatal brain complications, a study has shown. Researchers in the US looked at a small group of infected hospital patients who had been given a brain scan because of their concerning neurological symptoms.  Half of the patients with life-threatening … Read more

Jehovah’s Witness, 15, must have life-saving blood transfusion

Judge rules Jehovah’s Witness, 15, must have blood transfusion to save her life in emotive case echoing Emma Thompson’s movie court dilemma Jehovah’s Witness must have a blood transfusion to save her life, court rules High Court heard that the 15-year-old must not be allowed to die  Girl had recently been baptised and had ‘profound religious … Read more

Women with ovarian cancer can FINALLY be diagnosed with a simple blood test given by GPs 

A simple, widely available blood test given by GPs can accurately tell women they are at risk of ovarian cancer – as well as flagging up other ‘hidden’ tumours in the pancreas, bowel and lungs. The test measures levels in the blood of a protein called cancer antigen 125, or CA125, found on the surface … Read more

Drink-driving GP who refused to give a blood sample due to ‘fear of needles’ admits misconduct

Drink-driving GP who refused to give a blood sample due to ‘fear of needles’ after he was caught four times the limit admits misconduct at tribunal Michael Farrell, of Teesside, appeared before virtual tribunal hearing yesterday  GP admitted he was convicted last year for failing to provide specimen of blood He refused to give sample … Read more

Chrissy Teigen’s friends donate blood in honor of baby Jack after devastating loss

Chrissy Teigen recently returned to social media, following the tragic loss of her son Jack in September. And the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit model has had a lovely support system, helping her get her spirit back during trying times.  She was full of ‘warmth and happiness’ Sunday, as she took to Instagram with photos of some … Read more

Algorithm trained with hundreds of zombie faces transforms selfies into blood thirsty undead corpses

People across the world will soon put on scary makeup, terrifying masks and spooky costumes in honor of Halloween, but an algorithm is capable of transforming you into a flesh eating zombie in just seconds. The website, called MakeMeAZombie,’ stems from Toonify that transforms portraits into fun-loving cartoons, but has been redesigned to make users … Read more

Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson tastes his own BLOOD while showing off cut he got pumping iron

Dwayne Johnson’s love for pumping iron left him a little bloody on Monday. The actor known as The Rock proved the old adage ‘No pain, go gain’ when he cut himself with a bulky chain while exercising. The tough guy, 48, addressed the Instagram head on while blood dripped from a cut right under his … Read more

Wrinkled ‘super pea’ can help control blood sugar levels, scientists say

A type of pea known as the wrinkled ‘super pea’ may help control blood sugar levels and reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes, a new study claims. UK researchers have found that the wrinkled peas prevent ‘sugar spikes’ where blood sugar levels rise sharply after a meal – thought to contribute to diabetes.   Incorporating … Read more

six-year-old who doctors accused of ‘faking’ symptoms, is diagnosed with a rare blood cancer

A mother whose six-year-old daughter has been diagnosed with a rare blood cancer, revealed doctors initially thought she was ‘faking’ symptoms in order to get treats.  Emma Osborne from Beechdale, Nottingham, took her daughter Elizabeth, to A&E eight times, when she complained about excruciating hip pain. But each time, blood tests and X-rays came back clear and … Read more