Drink driving e-scooter rider, 20, is banned from the roads for two years

A woman has been banned from the roads after being convicted of drink driving on an e-scooter today. Kyah Jordan was almost three times over the limit when she went through a red light and almost crashed into an unmarked police car. In court, her lawyer tried to argue that she was travelling so slowly … Read more

Anti-vaxxers who refuse COVID-19 jab could be banned from pubs, restaurants or their workplace

Those who refuse to be immunised against COVID-19 could be banned from pubs, restaurants or their workplaces under a radical plan proposed by Gladys Berejiklian. The New South Wales Premier has revealed she is considering implementing regulations that would prohibited residents who have not vaccinated from entering certain venues.  She said the measures would be … Read more

The family shop set to be BANNED in ‘shop alone’ policy for supermarket trips 

Family supermarket trips set to be BANNED as ministers consider tough new anti-Covid rules enforcing ‘shop alone’ policy for supermarket trips Government considering extra rules to protect public against spread of the virus  Stores to be told to impose a ‘shop alone’ policy to stop family supermarket trips  Currently no rule on how many people … Read more

Covid UK: South America travel banned due to Brazil super-strain

The UK is banning all travellers from South America, Panama and Cape Verde as well as Portugal from 4am tomorrow amid fears over the coronavirus super-strain that emerged in Brazil. Transport Secretary Grant Shapps said he was taking ‘urgent’ action in an effort to prevent the mutant version getting into Britain. No-one who has been … Read more

Click and collect could be banned everywhere apart from supermarkets

Click and collect could be banned everywhere apart from supermarkets amid fears customers are passing the virus in queues Click and collect services may be limited to just supermarkets in rule tightening Cabinet subcommittee discussed scaling back collection at non-essential retail Morrisons and Sainsbury’s pledge to ban people not wearing masks in stores Also reported … Read more

Pete Evans’ podcast is BANNED from Spotify

Spotify is the latest online platform to take a hard stance against disgraced celebrity chef Pete Evans.  The former My Kitchen Rules judge, who lost his $800,000-a-year job at Channel Seven in May because of his dangerous and unscientific views, announced on Tuesday that Spotify had completely wiped every episode of his Evolve podcast.   ‘Looks … Read more

Donald Trump PERMANENTLY banned from Twitter

Twitter bans Trump PERMANENTLY: President’s account is taken down for good because of the ‘risk of further incitement of violence’ after he praised Capitol rioters The Twitter account of President Donald Trump has been permanantly deleted, the company accounced in a blog post on Friday  The social media giant said it was due to the … Read more

100,000 Brits abroad have five days to get home or face being banned without negative Covid test

Grant Shapps today revealed that the diktat forcing travellers to present a negative covid test when travelling to the UK will come in ‘next Wednesday or Thursday’ to give 100,000 Britons abroad the chance to get home. The Transport Secretary has said nobody will be able to depart to the UK by plane, train or … Read more

Coronavirus UK: Travellers will finally be banned from entering UK without negative test

Britons may be stranded abroad as ministers say travellers will be banned from entering the UK without proof they are clear of coronavirus within days. Passengers will be banned from entering the UK next week if they do not have a negative test within 72 hours of departure. But there are concerns in the travel … Read more