Coronavirus UK: Nadhim Zahawi says NHS vaccine speed will double in March

Britain’s Covid vaccine rollout will go at twice its speed so far over the next three months potentially doubling the number of people immunised by June as well as dishing out second doses, the UK’s vaccine minister says. Nadhim Zahawi said today that March will be a ‘very big month’ for the programme. February saw … Read more

Covid UK: Two million over-60s will be invited to receive their first jab from TODAY

Nearly 2million people aged between 60 and 63 in England will be invited to receive their first coronavirus jab from today, while over-40s will start being called for jabs this month – as more than 20million people in the UK have now been given their first dose of a vaccine. Health officials will send out … Read more

Top German doctor urges Chancellor Angela Merkel, 66, to have Oxford’s vaccine live on television

A senior German immunologist has urged Angela Merkel to be vaccinated with the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine live on television.   Carsten Watzl, secretary general of the German Society for Immunology, said the Chancellor of Germany should allow over-65’s to receive the AstraZeneca vaccine and suggested she lead by example.  Officials fed doubts over the Oxford University researched jab’s effectiveness amid reports … Read more

More than 20MILLION have now received their first Covid jab

More than 20 million people in the UK have now been given their first dose of a coronavirus vaccine, the Government has said.  The announcement follows more good news as new findings reveal just one vaccine shot reduces the risk of being hospitalised by Covid-19 by more than 90 per cent. Public health officials have … Read more

Coronavirus jab may help fight cancer, chronic pain… and even Alzheimer’s

Joan Wakefield has barely been able to walk for the best part of six months. The 72-year-old from Stockport had a knee replacement in October and has since suffered infections in the scar tissue, causing agonising pain. Then at the beginning of this month she received the first dose of AstraZeneca‘s Covid-19 vaccine. ‘I woke up … Read more

Oxford vaccine more effective than Pfizer jab, new figures show

The vaccine developed by Oxford University and AstraZeneca is stunningly effective at preventing recipients becoming seriously ill from Covid-19, new analysis shows. It is even better than the Pfizer jab at stopping people getting so sick that they need to be admitted to hospital, Ministers have been told. A single shot of either jab cuts the … Read more

Germany and France ‘WILL give AstraZeneca jab to over-65s’ in major U-turn

Germany and France look set to approve the AstraZeneca Covid jab for the over 65s in a major U-turn aimed at speeding up their stuttering vaccine drives. In an ignominious climb-down, health chiefs in both countries have now suggested they could update their policies for the Oxford University researched jab – after initially refusing to … Read more

Theresa May, 64, receives vaccination and tells public jab is ‘safe and helps to protect others’ 

Maybot gets first Covid shot! Ex-PM Theresa May, 64, receives vaccination and tells public jab is ‘safe, gives you protection and helps to protect others’ Theresa May, 64, has received her first dose of the Covid-19 vaccine today She qualifies due to her age and the fact she was diagnosed with type 1 Diabetes  Comes … Read more

Emmanuel Macron says he WOULD take Oxford vaccine

Emmanuel Macron said last night he would take the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine despite previously rubbishing the jab – although he would be waiting until next year at the current pace of a roll-out which has left France vulnerable to a third wave.  Macron, 43, said that ‘in view of the latest scientific studies, the efficacy of … Read more

Gary Lineker, 60, gets first ‘quick and painless’ coronavirus jab

Gary Lineker, 60, gets first Covid jab early in another example of Britain’s vaccine postcode lottery with healthy people younger than set age group being offered protection from virus Lineker praises first vaccine as ‘quick, painless, liberating and well organised’ 60-year-old BBC host got his first dose of the Oxford/AstraZeneca jab today He also joked … Read more