HEALTH NOTES: App that shows nurses how to treat bed sores 

HEALTH NOTES: App that shows nurses how to treat bed sores

An app that can track the progression of bed sores using artificial intelligence technology is helping nurses quickly diagnose and treat the painful condition that affects 2.2 million Britons every year.

Untreated bed sores – painful ulcers on the skin typically brought on by prolonged pressure – can damage muscle and bone, eventually requiring surgery.

But the app, created by Israeli firm, uses a phone’s camera to create a 3D reconstruction of the wound, providing a breakdown of the state of the tissue and exact size. The scans can then be beamed to wound specialists who can offer a speedy treatment plan.

An app that can track the progression of bed sores using artificial intelligence technology is helping nurses quickly diagnose and treat the painful condition that affects 2.2 million Britons every year, file photograph

Katherine Ward,’s UK managing director, said: ‘Our system saves time for nurses and helps them to make more accurate treatment decisions.’

Festive tree mould alert

More than 50 types of mould could be lingering on your Christmas tree.

Scientists from New York State University made the discovery after analysing clippings from 28 trees, and also found that high levels of pollen had collected in the branches.

It is thought the mould and pollen affect the Christmas trees while they sit in garden centres alongside other plants, and could be exacerbating holiday season allergy problems.

Max Wiseberg, a British airborne-allergens expert, suggests that allergy sufferers hose down their tree before bringing it into the house, as it will help remove some of the mould and spores.

More than 50 types of mould could be lingering on your Christmas tree, scientists in New York have discovered

More than 50 types of mould could be lingering on your Christmas tree, scientists in New York have discovered 

 A rehabilitation centre is offering accommodation to relatives of all its patients after the ‘dramatic’ recovery of a stroke victim admitted with her wife. 

Jasmine Evans was left speechless and immobile after two strokes and, as a trial, her wife Rachael moved in with her at Askham Village Community in Cambridgeshire, where patients have intensive rehab over a period of weeks, and stay on-site. Rachael and Jasmine took part in group activities and six weeks later Jasmine was walking and talking again. 

Askham director Aliyyah-Begum Nasser said: ‘Allowing Rachael to be a part of Jasmine’s journey proved significant in her road to recovery.’

Men ‘wear masks more’, survey shows

Men are more likely to wear a face mask on public transport than women, according to a survey.

Roughly 40 per cent of women polled said they always wore a mask on buses, trains or Tubes – a legal requirement since June – compared with more than half of men. Forgetting one was the top reason, given by more than a third, while 14 per cent said they did not believe masks made a difference to risk of transmission of Covid-19.

The survey of more than 1,500 people was carried out by Nationwide Vehicle Contracts.