Tucker Carlson reveals list of dead people he says voted in the election

Fox News‘ Tucker Carlson revealed a list of names he claims are among the dead people who voted in this year’s election as he hit out at the ‘media blackout’ for failing to report on fraud allegations.

The list, revealed during his show on Wednesday night, included the names of at least four people in the state of Georgia where there are fewer than 15,000 ballots separating President Trump and Joe Biden.

It also included several in Nevada, where the TV host accused officials of encouraging mail-in ballot ‘fraud’ to take place by sending out a ballot to all registered voters, despite knowing that 41,000 people hadn’t updated their records in more than a decade.

He claimed that the mail-in system established due to the coronavirus pandemic ‘encouraged’ fraud, by allowing others to cast a vote for the likes of Rosemary Hardle – an elementary school teacher who died in 2017 – as well as Fred Stoke Jr Clark, who also died in 2017. 

He claimed that the dead voters ‘presumably’ voted for Biden, although the choices listed on the alleged ballots are not known and Carlson had no evidence whatsoever for his claim.

Carlson’s claims were reiterated by former Nevada Attorney General and the state’s Trump campaign co-chair, Adam Laxalt, who admitted that the scale of the fraud is not yet known.  

But even assuming they voted for Biden – which would be to ignore Republican convictions for electoral fraud across the country – 25 votes would do nothing to move Georgia or Nevada closer to being regained by Trump. 

The claims came as Trump’s claims of voter fraud fizzled in the courts and he turned to a new strategy of trying to stop entire states’ votes being certified on the basis of alleged irregularities rather than fraud. 

Carlson attacked ‘corporate media’ despite working for Fox which called the election for Biden last Saturday. 

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Tucker Carlson revealed a list of names he claims are among the dead people who voted in this year’s election during his show on Wednesday night. It included names in Georgia and Nevada

Carlson targeted Georgia, in particular, with his list of dead voters, naming and picturing Deborah Jean Christiansen, Linda Kessler, Edward Swinott and James Blalock as among those deceased who cast a ballot.

‘Right now, fewer than 15,000 votes separate Donald Trump from Joe Biden in the state of Georgia,’ Carlson began.

‘It’s close enough that it’s worth getting specific about what happened there, and the Georgia secretary of state has now confirmed there will be a hand recount of all votes cast.

‘Among those votes, auditors will find a valid cast by woman called Deborah Jean Christiansen.

‘It would be hard to find anyone who’s got a bad word to say about Deborah. She was well known in her community for years as a bird watcher, an avid gardener, a committed fan of the Georgia bulldogs,’ he continued.

‘Those who knew her were sad when she died last May and they might be surprised to learn that even after her death, Deborah Jean Christiansen still managed to register to vote and then cast a ballot, presumably for Joe Biden.

Rosemary Hardle, an elementary school teacher who died in 2017, voted in Nevada in this year's presidential election, according to claims from Fox News' Tucker Carlson

Deborah Jean Christiansen, who died in 2019, apparently 'voted' in Georgia

Rosemary Hardle (left), an elementary school teacher who died in 2017, voted in Nevada in this year’s presidential election, according to claims from Fox News’ Tucker Carlson. Deborah Jean Christiansen (left), who died in 2019, apparently ‘voted’ in Georgia

Edward Swinott is also said to have voted in Georgia despite passing away in 2019

Edward Swinott is also said to have voted in Georgia despite passing away in 2019

Denise Onick voted by mail-in ballot in Pennsylvania this year, despite the ballot arriving to her home days after she died, Tucker Carlson claimed on Wednesday night

Denise Onick voted by mail-in ballot in Pennsylvania this year, despite the ballot arriving to her home days after she died, Tucker Carlson claimed on Wednesday night

‘In some ways, it’s an inspiring story. The triumph of voting over death,’ Carlson joked, before alleging that Blalock, who passed away in 2006 after 33 years as a mailman, must simply have been showing a dedication to his job in mailing in a ballot after death.

‘In his case, may be voting from the grave wasn’t really fraud, it was just commitment,’ he quipped.

In one of the most extreme claims listed by Tucker, he spoke of Linda Kessler who died 17 years ago but allegedly still had a vote cast in her name in this year’s presidential election.

As Carlson revealed a list of the 25 names that Fox has so far identified, he admitted that the discoveries may not be enough to swing the election in Trump’s favor but claimed that ‘the point is they exist’.

‘They are dead, but they voted anyway. The question is how did they do that? How exactly did they cast their ballots?’ he asked.

‘And the short answer is, by mail. Dead people tend to vote more often when you make it easier for them to vote. They are like any other group. And this year we made it much easier for the dead to vote.’

He then launched a further attack on mail-in voting, which he said was introduced under the pretense that it was needed due to the pandemic but ‘the effect was to encourage fraud’.

Carlson referenced a 2012 report that claimed that there were close to two million dead people still on voter rolls and 24million incorrect voter registrations. 

‘So, what happens if you start sending ballots and registrations to lists like this? Well, you’re guaranteed to increase the amount of fraudulent voting, and that’s exactly what Democrats did. Republicans, we should add, let them do it,’ he argued. 

Carlson presented a list of the alleged deceased voters that Fox has identified

Carlson presented a list of the alleged deceased voters that Fox has identified

The Fox star also turned his eye to Pennsylvania, where he alleged that a woman named Denise Onick voted by mail-in ballot this year, despite the ballot arriving to her home days after she died.

‘According to a report from last December, less than a year ago, from the state department of auditor general, nearly 3,000 potentially deceased voters remained on the voter rolls in Pennsylvania,’ Carlson added.

Carlson’s claims were echoed by Laxalt in Nevada where he said the Trump campaign had found evidence of voter fraud but as of yet, had no information on how widespread it may have been.

He alleged that the campaign had established a list of over 3,000 people that moved out of the state of Nevada and voted in this election. He said they have since discovered that at least 100 of the votes were military votes.

‘It’s important for people to understand there is absolutely voter fraud as you continue to try to point out, as we continue to try to point out, but in the campaign, we aren’t the system,’ Laxalt told Carlson, stating that they couldn’t gain access to the voter system in the state.

Former Nevada Attorney General Adam Laxalt speaks during a Trump campaign news conference las week. He has doubled down on claims of voter fraud in the state

Former Nevada Attorney General Adam Laxalt speaks during a Trump campaign news conference las week. He has doubled down on claims of voter fraud in the state


An anonymous whistleblower claimed to Fox News host Laura Ingraham that she too witnessed voter fraud in Clark County, Vegas, which was one of the most watched counties in the country when it came to the election. But where she claimed she witnessed it was redacted.

The poll worker appeared in silhouette with her voice disguised on the show. 

She claims she saw white envelopes being passed around and ripped open near a ‘Biden-Harris van.’ She claimed she saw people there marking ballots.

‘As I got closer, I thought ‘those are ballots’. I walked by four or five times. On the next time I walked by, they were putting them in envelopes.

‘They were putting them in a white and pink envelope,’ she said. They were apparently using the vans as a surface to mark the ballots.

Ingraham said: ‘But you didn’t say anything?’

‘I kind of gave them a wide berth. We were told not to interact with people out there.’ 

The woman says five or people then formed a ‘human wall’ to block her view of what they were doing. ‘One of them looks at me and the while line moves as I walk by them and it scares me.’

But she did not apparently report it to any supervisor. 

She has signed an affidavit and given it to the Trump campaign testifying about what she claims she saw. 

But the campaign has not released it except for a page which was shown on screen on Fox News. 

‘We’ve confirmed dead voters and so finally, we are no longer being accused of producing zero fraud, now we are being accused of not producing systemic or widespread fraud.’ 

Laxalt alleged that he is being ‘attacked viciously by the sitting attorney general and other people’ for his claims of voter fraud.

‘All I want to do is what you want,’ he said. ‘I want to put a spotlight on this system because the bottom line is there is fraud. I don’t know how widescale it is.’

He then questioned who was investigating the fraud, as he alleged the state had ‘no investigative body that goes in independently and actually investigates elections’.

‘This is why we have this mess,’ Laxalt continued, ‘and if they are suggesting that the local registrar is going to do its own audit after the fact, of course we know that isn’t a real investigation.

‘We are being accused of improprieties here and we don’t have all the information,’ the former attorney general concluded.

‘They just want to shut down any spotlight to the fact that there is voter fraud in our state.’

As of Wednesday night, Trump loyalists have filed at least 15 legal challenges in Pennsylvania alone in an effort to reclaim the state´s 20 electoral votes. 

There is action, too, in Georgia, Arizona, Nevada and Michigan. 

The claims in Nevada center around thousands of potentially fraudulent votes, including votes cast on behalf of dead people and by people who were no longer Nevada residents.

However, the election security agency at the Department of Homeland Security says states have strong safeguards to detect illegal voting under the names of the deceased, including signature matching and death records. 

Rumors that people 120 years and older voted in the election ‘are actually innocuous clerical errors or the result of intended data practices,’ such as someone typing ‘1/1/1900’ into a database as a placeholder item.

The Trump campaign settled one lawsuit that was before the Nevada Supreme Court, saying it had reached an agreement with Clark County, which includes Las Vegas, to add more observers to a ballot-processing facility.

Officials in Clark County said they have forwarded two allegations of ballots being cast in the name of dead voters to the Nevada Secretary of State.

The state is also dealing with a lawsuit challenging the use of an optical scanning machine to count ballots and verify signatures, which is still pending.




On Monday the Trump campaign filed their big shot at overturning all mail-in ballots in Pennsylvania, claiming that Democratic and Republican counties did not administer them in the same way; instances of fraud; and that poll watchers could not see them being counted. On that basis, they say, the results should not be certified on November 23

The case faces an uphill struggle. The Supreme Court has already allowed mail-in ballots to be issued in Pennsylvania, and the claim of poll watchers not seeing them being counted had failed before when a Trump lawyer last Friday agreed that a ‘non-zero number’ of Republicans had observed the count in Philadelphia.

The new suit provided no actual evidence of fraud. It did include a claim by an Erie mailman that he had heard his supervisors talking about illegally backdating ballots; he was said to have recanted that claim when questioned by U.S. Postal Inspectors.

Trump’s campaign last Wednesday filed a motion to intervene in a case pending before the U.S. Supreme Court challenging a decision from the state’s highest court that allowed election officials to count mail-in ballots postmarked by Tuesday’s Election Day that were delivered through Friday.

U.S. Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito on Friday night ordered county election boards in the state to separate mail-in ballots received after 8 p.m. EST on Election Day.

Pennsylvania election officials have said those ballots were already being separated.

The justices previously ruled there was not enough time to decide the merits of the case before Election Day but indicated they might revisit it afterwards.

Alito, joined by fellow conservative Justices Clarence Thomas and Neil Gorsuch, said in a written opinion that there was a ‘strong likelihood’ the Pennsylvania court’s decision violated the U.S. Constitution.

Pennsylvania’s Secretary of the Commonwealth Kathy Boockvar has said late-arriving ballots are a tiny proportion of the overall vote in the state.

Rudy Giuliani unveiled a ‘witness’ to his claims – a Republican poll watcher – on Saturday but the man, Daryl Brooks, has not been included in any legal papers. He was previously convicted of exposing himself to underage girls. 



Trump’s campaign said last Saturday it had sued in Arizona, alleging that the state’s most populous county incorrectly rejected votes cast on Election Day by some voters.

The lawsuit, filed in state Superior Court in Maricopa County, said poll workers told some voters to press a button after a machine had detected an ‘overvote.’

The campaign said that decision disregarded voters’ choices in those races, and the lawsuit suggested those votes could prove ‘determinative’ in the outcome of the presidential race.

It is a modification of an earlier suit which was submitted and then withdrawn claiming that Trump voters were given sharpies to mark their ballots and claiming this made them more prone to error. The ‘sharpie-gate’ claims have n basis in fact, Arizona’s secretary of state says.



A voter, a member of the media and two candidate campaigns sued Nevada’s secretary of state and other officials to prevent the use of a signature-verification system in populous Clark County and to provide public access to vote counting.

A federal judge rejected the request on Friday, saying there was no evidence the county was doing anything unlawful.

No new suits have been lodged so far.  

Trump campaign officials have also claimed evidence that non-residents have voted but have not sued. 



The Trump campaign on Wednesday filed a lawsuit in state court in Chatham County that alleged late-arriving ballots were improperly mingled with valid ballots, and asked a judge to order late-arriving ballots be separated and not be counted.

The case was dismissed on Thursday. No new suits have been filed. The state is going to a recount.

The two Republican senators, Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue, called for the GOP Secretary of State to quit claiming there were election irregularities Monday. They offered no evidence and he scoffed: ‘That’s not going to happen.’



On Monday Trump filed a federal case alleging fraud and then later a separate demand that the votes are not certified on November 23.

In the first case, one witness – possibly misgendered by the Trump lawyers – claimed that they had been told by another person that mysterious ballots arrived late on vehicles with out of state plates and all were for Biden; that they had seen voters coached to vote for Biden; and that they were told to process ballots without any checks.

It also included poll watchers and ‘challengers’ who said they could not get close enough to see what was happening.  

A federal judge has yet to issue any response on when and how it will be looked into. 

Trump’s campaign last Wednesday filed a lawsuit in Michigan to halt the vote count in the state. The lawsuit alleged that campaign poll watchers were denied ‘meaningful access’ to counting of ballots, plus access to surveillance video footage of ballot drop boxes.

On Thursday, Michigan Court of Claims Judge Cynthia Stephens dismissed the case, saying there was no legal basis or evidence to halt the vote and grant requests.


The U.S. Postal Service said about 1,700 ballots had been identified in Pennsylvania at processing facilities during two sweeps on Thursday and were being delivered to election officials, according to a court filing early Friday.

The Postal Service said 1,076 ballots, had been found at its Philadelphia Processing and Distribution Center. About 300 were found at the Pittsburgh processing center, 266 at a Lehigh Valley facility and others at other Pennsylvania processing centers.

U.S. District Judge Emmet Sullivan in Washington is overseeing a lawsuit by Vote Forward, the NAACP, and Latino community advocates.

Sullivan on Thursday ordered twice-daily sweeps at Postal Service facilities serving states with extended ballot receipt deadlines. 

The judge plans to hold a status conference on Monday.