Cereal offender! Woman is caught on CCTV stealing MILK from children’s nursery using a broom

Cereal offender! Thief is caught on CCTV stealing MILK from a nursery twice in eight days – using a broom to slide the cartons under a locked gate

  • A thief stole milk from Rosy Cheeks nursery in Stoke-on-Trent on July 20
  • It is believed to be the same woman who targeted the nursery a week earlier
  • CCTV footage on both days shows thief using a broom to slide milk under gate  

This is the moment a brazen thief used a broom to steal milk from a children’s nursery – for the second time. 

CCTV captured the hooded milk snatcher strolling over to the entrance of Rosy Cheeks nursery in Tunstall, Stoke-on-Trent, at around 5am on July 20.

Footage showed her using a broom to snag two four-pint bottles which she dragged under the locked metal gates before walking away.

The mystery offender first struck on July 13 when a woman, used the same method to take the milk but without a hood.

Milk has been stolen from a nursery in Tunstall, Stoke-on-Trent, twice in the space of a week by a person using a broom taken from a nearby garden 

CCTV footage shows the thief kneeling down to slide the milk cartons under the Rosy Cheeks nursery gate in the second raid on July 20

CCTV footage shows the thief kneeling down to slide the milk cartons under the Rosy Cheeks nursery gate in the second raid on July 20

In the video, a hooded person approaches the nursery gate holding a broom before crouching down.

The thief reaches under the gate with a broom to pull the first carton of milk back towards it.

She adjusts her position to reach further for the second carton, pulling it towards her.

Leaving the third carton behind, the thief pulls the two cartons underneath the gate and walks off with them while still holding the broom. 

The thief pulls the two cartons underneath the gate before she walks off with the broom in hand

The thief pulls the two cartons underneath the gate before she walks off with the broom in hand

Nursery owner Rosie Dingle, 41, reported the thefts to the police. 

She said: ‘What kind of person steals milk from a nursery? I know it’s not the crime of the century but it’s still out of order – they are stealing from children.

‘We are assuming it is the same person but we don’t know for certain but their MO is the same.

‘On both occasions they used a broom to reach the milk cartons and struck around the same time so they obviously know when the milk is delivered.’

The nursery had bought a parcel box to place the milk in but had not got around to putting it up before the thefts.

She pulls the milk back with the broom, stealing two four-pint bottles

A close-up image from CCTV footage shows the woman knelt by the gate with her hair in a bun in the first raid

Previous CCTV footage shows a woman dressed in a light coloured jacket approaching the nursery gate with a broom on July 13. A close-up image shows the woman knelt by the gate with her hair in a bun

It has had its milk delivered the same way for nine-and-a-half years without experiencing a problem before 

Rosie said: ‘The milk is only worth a few pounds but it’s the inconvenience because we have to go out and buy more. It’s really not what we need at the moment.

‘It is quite a poor area and I thought to myself that if it was somebody that was really struggling then they could have left a note saying, “I’m sorry my children need milk”.

‘I wouldn’t have minded or even told the police but I’ve seen some footage from Clive Street opposite and she steals the broom from a garden and then uses it to get the milk.’

Staffordshire Police are now hunting the culprit following the thefts from the nursery. 

A police spokesperson said: ‘Anyone with information can contact 101 or report online, quoting incident number 296 of July 13.’