Nanotechnology firm seals funds to sue Samsung

Nanotechnology firm seals funds to sue Samsung claiming the Korean firm stole patented tech to use in their TVs

Nanoco has secured a chunk of funding to help it pursue a lawsuit against Samsung.

The London-listed nanotechnology company is alleging that the South Korean-based telecoms group, which is best known for its mobile phones and televisions, stole its unique patented techniques to create tiny specialist semiconductors.

Nanoco claims Samsung then used these components, known as quantum dots, in its new range of high-tech QLED TVs. 

London-listed Nanoco is alleging Samsung stole its patented techniques to create tiny specialist semiconductors which it used in its new range of high-tech QLED TVs

The two companies had previously worked together on developing the quantum dots, but Samsung eventually ended the collaboration. 

Nanoco, which is listed on London’s junior stock market AIM and has a market value of just £52million compared to Samsung’s £236billion, was unable to agree an out-of-court settlement with Samsung.

It managed to engage a ‘very large US litigation finance specialist’ to pay for the case in return for a cut of any winnings.

Nanoco chief executive Michael Edelman said: ‘The successful outcome of their extensive and detailed due diligence, including the use of independent experts, adds to our significant confidence in our case against Samsung.’

Samsung made no comment.