John Boyega reacts on Twitter to George Floyd’s tragic death

Star Wars actor John Boyega has taken to his various social media platforms to express his thoughts about the troubling death of George Floyd, the man killed in Minnesota after a police officer drove his knee into the back of his neck during arrest.

John, 28, took to Twitter on Wednesday to post, ‘I f**king hate racists’ to his account – which is followed by 1.6 million Twitter users.

‘This just burns,’ he tweeted. ‘Seems to be a never ending cycle. The murderers need to be charged severely. Even in the face of death this man was given zero empathy.’

Furious: Star Wars actor John Boyega has taken to his various social media platforms to express his thoughts about the troubling death of George Floyd

He also posted to Instagram – on which he is followed by a further 1.8 million – captioning it: ‘George Floyd. So heartbreaking to hear about the continuous cycle of violence aimed at black people by racist cops. Murder charges only. First post where I’ve had to turn off comments. Ain’t none of you getting the last word today. That’s that.’

He then took to Instagram Live to stand by his views.

Speaking to the 2200 people tuned in, he said: ‘So I’ll say it again – f**k you racist white people. I said what I said. And if you don’t like it, go suck a d**k, seriously!

‘Any racist s**t – that’s a straight up block, that’s fine, ready, I don’t need you on my page!

Troubling: A number of celebs were outraged over the death of the Minneapolis man after a police officer drove his knee into the back of his neck, rendering him unable to breathe

Troubling: A number of celebs were outraged over the death of the Minneapolis man after a police officer drove his knee into the back of his neck, rendering him unable to breathe

Expressing his fury: John, 33, took to Twitter on Wednesday to post, 'I f**king hate racists'

He also posted to Instagram - on which he is followed by a further 1.8 million - captioning it: 'George Floyd. So heartbreaking to hear about the continuous cycle of violence aimed at black people by racist cops'

John, 33, took to Twitter and Instagram on Wednesday to post, ‘I f**king hate racists’

Turned off: Despite turning off the comments on Instagram, his tweets garnered an unfavourable reaction from many, claiming he is an icon to many young fans, and that his use of language wasn't necessary

Turned off: Despite turning off the comments on Instagram, his tweets garnered an unfavourable reaction from many, claiming he is an icon to many young fans, and that his use of language wasn’t necessary

‘If you are a fan of me and support my work and are racist, and arguing with what I was saying, f**k off, you f**king dickheads. Straight up like that, that’s how it’s gonna go!’

He added: ‘Throughout my whole career as an actor, I want to let you guys know this: I am not the guy, I am not Hollywood, I never ever left the UK to go and live in LA. I am from London, I am from here, we have different f**king rules! We are real, we speak truth.

‘I am also African, so stop taking the p**s!’ 

Despite turning off the comments on Instagram, his tweets garnered an unfavourable reaction from many, claiming he is an icon to many young fans, and that his use of language wasn’t necessary.

Hitting back: Others questioned his use of the term 'hate', while some challenged him about the term 'racist'

Hitting back: Others questioned his use of the term ‘hate’, while some challenged him about the term ‘racist’

Defending himself: He then took to Instagram Live to stand by his views

Defending himself: He then took to Instagram Live to stand by his views

Others questioned his use of the term ‘hate’, while some challenged him about the term ‘racist’.

One follower from Nigeria informed him that he had split up with his girlfriend for saying that she ‘hates whites’, to which John replied: ‘I am talking about WHITE on BLACK racism. The kind that has ruined the world not caused a lil break up with your girlfriend.’ 

Another posted, ‘Ouch man, racism can come from anyone’, to which John bit back with: ‘I don’t care. That’s not what I’m talking about.’

He went on: ‘Are you guys on twitter dedicated to seeing what’s in your head and not what I wrote? Take a break because you’re one of them. As I said you can’t force me to talk about what I’m not talking about. Shut up.’ 

He went on: 'Are you guys on twitter dedicated to seeing what’s in your head and not what I wrote? Take a break because you’re one of them. As I said you can’t force me to talk about what I’m not talking about. Shut up'

He went on: ‘Are you guys on twitter dedicated to seeing what’s in your head and not what I wrote? Take a break because you’re one of them. As I said you can’t force me to talk about what I’m not talking about. Shut up’

He added: ‘I am being specific to a topic. I am not talking about any other way. Given what is happening right now. So the wise thing for you to do is defo shut up. Do it well too my G.’

When another commented about impressionable followers he might have, he said, ‘I am not here for the kids’, before adding, ‘I said what I said. Speak for yourself at all times x’. 

John hit out against Sky News earlier this month when they posted an article about a ‘spiky coronavirus haircut’, referring to a traditional African hairstyle.

‘You lot lost your damn mind putting this on the internet! Which hairstyle did you just call spiky coronavirus haircut? Are you guys okay? The media need to make sure they do research before wiring articles like this. Ya fackin dummies!’ he tweeted. 

Not standing for it: John hit out against Sky News earlier this month when they posted an article about a 'spiky coronavirus haircut', referring to a traditional African hairstyle

Not standing for it: John hit out against Sky News earlier this month when they posted an article about a ‘spiky coronavirus haircut’, referring to a traditional African hairstyle

John is one of many celebrities to react strongly on Wednesday to the death of Floyd.

Cardi B, Diddy, Ciara and LeBron James led the way in expressing their anger and frustration over the death of the 46-year-old on Monday, after the exchange between him and the police was caught on camera. 

Many expressed their sentiments on the issue after the four police officers in the incident involving were terminated Tuesday, as FBI and state officials began probes on what had occurred.

The incident, which was caught on tape, was likened to the 2014 death of Eric Garner in New York after a police officer choked him.

Outrage: Protesters in Minneapolis took to the streets after the death of Floyd Monday

Outrage: Protesters in Minneapolis took to the streets after the death of Floyd Monday

Voice of her generation: Cardi B was exasperated amid the latest in a string of closely-scrutinized cases with racial overtones making the news

Voice of her generation: Cardi B was exasperated amid the latest in a string of closely-scrutinized cases with racial overtones making the news 

‘My heart can’t take it, seeing what’s happened to #GeorgeFloyd,’ Ciara said. ‘This is eerily similar to the death of #EricGarner. There has to be a stopping point in the process of arresting someone. It’s all senseless.’

Cardi B wrote on social media: ‘Enough is enough! What will it take? A civil war? A new president? Violent riots? It’s tired ! I’m tired ! The country is tired!

 ‘You don’t put fear in people when you do this you just show how coward YOU ARE ! And how America is really not the land of the free!’

Troubling: Bravo's Andy Cohen said that 'every American should be outraged at' seeing the images from the incident

Troubling: Bravo’s Andy Cohen said that ‘every American should be outraged at’ seeing the images from the incident 

'Do you understand NOW!!??!!??': LeBron James shared an Instagram collage that showed a picture of Floyd with the knee on his neck next to one of Colin Kaepernick taking a knee

‘Do you understand NOW!!??!!??’: LeBron James shared an Instagram collage that showed a picture of Floyd with the knee on his neck next to one of Colin Kaepernick taking a knee

Diddy posted an emoji of praying hands in reaction to the senseless death, while Viola Davis put the racial imbalance of the situation and others like it into perspective.

‘This is what it means to be Black in America. Tried. Convicted. Killed for being Black,’ the Oscar-winner said. ‘We are dictated by hundreds of years of policies that have restricted our very existence and still have to continue to face modern day lynchings.

‘Here’s the thing……America will never be great until we can figure out a way for it to work for EVERYBODY!!!’

The image Davis posted of Floyd was also shared by Zoe Kravitz, Jessica Alba, Penelope Cruz, Jamie Lee Curtis.

‘GEORGE FLOYD my heart breaks for you and your family. #policebrutality needs to stop. #sayhisname,’ wrote Kravitz.

Alba wrote: ‘#georgefloyd … tears and rage -this has to stop,’ while Cruz captioned her post: ‘#enough #georgefloyd #justice’.

Madonna shared a video of Floyd discussing youth gun violence and described it in her caption as a ‘Prophecy.’

In memory: Madonna shared a video of Floyd discussing youth gun violence and described it in her caption as a 'Prophecy'

In memory: Madonna shared a video of Floyd discussing youth gun violence and described it in her caption as a ‘Prophecy’

‘Like you youngsters just going around, just busting guns in crowds, kids getting killed, you know, and it’s clearly the generation after us, man,’ said Floyd in the clip. 

'And now they should be prosecuted': Gigi Hadid quote-tweeted an Associated Press headline announcing that the police officers involved in the incident have been arrested

‘And now they should be prosecuted’: Gigi Hadid quote-tweeted an Associated Press headline announcing that the police officers involved in the incident have been arrested

‘Why?!!!!!!! My heart hurts every time I read the news! When will this stop?? Please help our country regain its humanity! We are all humans who deserve to be protected. Not killed. Please don’t write any stupid comments. If you are not outraged by this, then unfollow me. #DontLookAway,’ wrote Eva Longoria.

LeBron James shared an Instagram collage that showed a picture of Floyd with the knee on his neck next to one of Colin Kaepernick taking a knee at a football game.

‘This…,’ was written over the picture of Floyd, with: ‘…Is Why,’ over Kaepernick.

'Let's turn outrage into action': Mandy More told her 'White friends' that 'We need to have this conversation with our families and friend and coworkers'

‘Let’s turn outrage into action’: Mandy More told her ‘White friends’ that ‘We need to have this conversation with our families and friend and coworkers’

Fading out: Khloe Kardashian posted multiple times about the incident to her Insta Stories including an image of Floyd's quote, 'I can't breathe' again and again

Fading out: Khloe Kardashian posted multiple times about the incident to her Insta Stories including an image of Floyd’s quote, ‘I can’t breathe’ again and again

‘Do you understand NOW!!??!!?? Or is it still blurred to you?? #StayWoke,’ wrote James in the caption. 

Gigi Hadid quote-tweeted an Associated Press headline announcing that the police officers involved in the incident have been arrested.

‘And now they should be prosecuted. This happens way too often, and seems only when caught on camera are MURDERERS even getting fired … unfortunately, the only way things will start changing is if all these racist ignorant monsters have to face the consequences- behind bars,’ wrote Hadid. 

In the incident, authorities aid that Floyd – who was a restaurant security guard – matched the description of a forgery suspect, and subsequently resisted them when they took him into custody.

In an accompanying clip, a police officer had his knee dug into the back of Floyd’s neck as he pleased, ‘Please, please, please, I can’t breathe. Please, man.’

'1 COUNTRY, 2 SYSTEMS': Another one of her posts was side-by-side drawings of Floyd and Dylan Roof, a white supremacist convicted of killing nine people at a black church

‘1 COUNTRY, 2 SYSTEMS’: Another one of her posts was side-by-side drawings of Floyd and Dylan Roof, a white supremacist convicted of killing nine people at a black church

Direct: Jameela Jamil lobbied for the arrests of the officers involved in the incident

Direct: Jameela Jamil lobbied for the arrests of the officers involved in the incident 

Floyd then said, ‘My stomach hurts, my neck hurts, everything hurts … I can’t breathe’ before passing out.

Numerous people at the scene recorded the incident, with some taking the police to task.

A lawyer for Floyd’s family, Ben Crump, said in a statement Tuesday that he was exploring a legal path for the man’s survivors.

‘We all watched the horrific death of George Floyd on video as witnesses begged the police officer to take him into the police car and get off his neck,’ Crump said. ‘This abusive, excessive and inhumane use of force cost the life of a man who was being detained by the police for questioning about a non-violent charge.’