Jockey Richard Pitman on money and abolishing income tax

Former jump jockey Richard Pitman would abolish income tax if he was Chancellor of the Exchequer.

Pitman rode 470 winners in his career, but was famously beaten into second place in the 1973 Grand National on board Crisp by Red Rum, three-time winner of the Aintree race. He reveals he could earn the equivalent of £31,000 for a nine-minute ride at the height of his career.

Now 77, he spoke to Donna Ferguson from his home in Oxfordshire where he is isolating with wife Mandy, two dogs and 11 racehorses.

Commitment: Richard Pitman has given money – and a kidney – to charity

How have you been affected by the coronavirus?

Amazingly, I am keeping well and so is everybody in my family. I haven’t been affected financially and I am spending my days writing my autobiography.

Every morning, I wake up and realise how lucky I am. I feel sorry for everyone who is suffering. I can see there’s going to be great personal carnage before we’re through all this.

What did your parents teach you about money?

To value money and respect it. We didn’t discuss it, but they led by example. My father was the foreman of an aircraft instrument factory while my mother was a housewife. We were a working- class family. We were comfortable without having any money to spare. We just fumbled along, really.

I think my mother was quite good at managing money. Two of my elder sisters rode and had a horse, so we obviously weren’t struggling. There was a riding school 400 yards from where we lived and my parents also loved riding there.

My sister taught me to ride when I was ten, before school. She used to take me on a borrowed pony inaccurately called Honeybun – it was a horrible little thing. She would ride her bicycle and lead the pony. She tried to teach me to canter, but each time I would scream and jump off the pony.

Then one day, without warning me – she just gave the pony a slap on the backside. Off we went – and I loved it.

When did you first start working with horses?

When I left school without any O-levels. I failed all nine. I was cocky and didn’t read the questions. I still haven’t got over it. Academically, I had been one of the top three in my class.

Treat: Richard Pitman once bought a gold Rolex for £4,000

Treat: Richard Pitman once bought a gold Rolex for £4,000 

Given I was small, light and could ride, I got a job as a stablehand for a local trainer in Cheltenham, earning a couple of quid a week. Every day, I would ride three or four horses up a massive hill and across 3,000 acres of common land. It was so thrilling. We could gallop wherever we wanted.

The only troubling part was when fog descended quickly and you happened to be galloping – because there was a great big cliff edge.

Have you ever struggled to make ends meet?

No. I’ve had some difficult times because I’ve been married twice and I’ve put four children through private education. But I can’t say I have ever really struggled.

Have you ever been paid silly money?

Yes, I rode in the Grand National six times and on four occasions I managed to negotiate a payment way above the usual riding fee. In 1970, for example, I was paid more than £2,000 for a ride that lasted about nine minutes. That’s the equivalent of earning more than £31,000 today.

What was the best year of your financial life?

It was 2003. Four years previously, I had bought 104 acres of land and turned it into a pre-training centre for young, fat and lazy racehorses. We knocked them into shape before they went to a trainer. That year, we made a profit of around £115,000.

What is the most expensive thing you bought for fun?

It was a gold Rolex watch. At the time, I was doing well as a jockey and thought I ought to have one. What a load of cobblers – I didn’t need it. It cost £4,000. I never took it off, and when I was messing around the horses it got scratched. In the end, I decided to get rid of it and sold it for £1,000.

What is your biggest money mistake?

Buying shares in Sheffield United 21 years ago. Not because I support the team – I took the advice of a friend who was a stockbroker and bought £20,000-worth for my two daughters at £1.08 a share.

I thought it would teach my kids about the benefit of dividends and give them an interest in watching football. But it never did any of that. Now, I think each share is worth about 3p. They’ve been languishing at that price for years. I never invested in shares again.

Biggest money mistake: 'Buying shares in Sheffield United 21 years ago', says Pitman

Biggest money mistake: ‘Buying shares in Sheffield United 21 years ago’, says Pitman

Do you own any property?

Yes, we own our home which has 15 acres and two paddocks. It’s a four-bedroom house which faces south towards the Wiltshire Downs. We get the sun from morning until night.

We’ve got 11 racehorses out to grass – they are summering here, away from their trainers. My daughter is helping us look after them during the lockdown.

Do you save into a pension?

No, but I have a tiny pension annuity. I would have had a tremendous pension thanks to the Professional Jockeys Association. But I took it at age 35 – which jockeys are allowed to do – so as to invest in property.

What is the one little luxury you treat yourself to?

I love a large whisky every evening. I’ll have a glass of Famous Grouse with a bit of hot water and honey in it before bed.

If you were Chancellor what is the first thing you would do?

I would abolish income tax and increase VAT on everything you buy. That way, the people who buy the stuff pay the tax. I agree with the idea that people who earn more should be taxed more.

But the problem is that when people become very wealthy, they are easily able to hide that wealth and put it offshore. Large global companies pay little or no tax while mega-earners pay less than the basic rate of tax. If I couldn’t abolish income tax, I would certainly close all the loopholes that allow people to escape it. It isn’t a fair situation at the moment.

Do you donate money to charity?

Yes, I support Kidney Research UK and Give A Kidney, One’s Enough. I not only donate money, I donated a kidney via these charities after a friend needed a transplant. He wouldn’t let me donate mine at the time, but by some amazing miracle he managed to get one and I saw the difference it made to his life. He went from a shrivelled up little fellow to a big strong man. So after that, I donated one of my own kidneys. I also donate money to Riding For The Disabled and the Injured Jockeys Fund.

What is your No1 financial priority?

To die leaving absolutely nothing. Slowly over the years, everything has been put into my wife’s name. It’s nothing to do with inheritance tax bills.

That wouldn’t bother me – I would be dead anyway. I just don’t want people to read in my obituary that I left so much money behind.

I’m not materialistic and I want to die having nothing of my own.

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