From Katherine Ryan: Telling Everybody Everything to The High Low, This week’s top podcasts

From Katherine Ryan: Telling Everybody Everything to The High Low and Tim Harford’s Cautionary Tales, this week’s top podcasts

Katherine Ryan: Telling Everybody Everything

Comedian Katherine Ryan admits to being a late adopter who didn’t think podcasts would take off. Now she’s launched her own, and it’s kookily addictive. 

Katherine Ryan: Telling Everybody Everything’s podcast is kookily addictive and sees her talking about everything from her miscarriage to her thoughts on Tiger King

It’s just her, once a week, ‘telling everybody everything’, from a heart-wrenching account of a miscarriage to her views on Netflix show, Tiger King. 

It’s the nearest thing I can imagine to listening to a very funny person’s thoughts.


The New Yorker: Poetry

This languid and intelligent podcast asks a writer to choose a poem that speaks to them. Then the guest goes through the poem line by line with The New Yorker’s poetry editor, Kevin Young. Start with the episode with Andrew Motion, who picks a gorgeous poem by Alice Oswald.  


Cautionary Tales

I’ve been bingeing recently on Tim Harford’s BBC show, More Or Less, which contextualises and questions numbers being thrown around in the news. But this podcast of Harford’s is worth a listen, too. 

Tim Harford's podcast asks what can be learned from some of the epic errors in human history. Each story is fascinating and inventively told with the help of actors and music

Tim Harford’s podcast asks what can be learned from some of the epic errors in human history. Each story is fascinating and inventively told with the help of actors and music

It asks what can be learned from some of the epic errors in human history. Each story is fascinating and inventively told with the help of actors and music. Start with the episode about the captain who misguidedly steered his ship onto a deadly reef.


The High Low

Once a week, writers Pandora Sykes and Dolly Alderton romp through pop culture stories that have caught their eye. It’s warm, amusing and rammed with invaluable tips about how to enrich your lockdown with the best books and TV shows.