JEFF PRESTRIDGE: Time for a change in strategy at top of Financial Conduct Authority or risk a new Woodford
Tomorrow, it will be eight long months since dealings in investment fund Woodford Equity Income were abruptly suspended, marking the beginning of the end for the Woodford investment empire.
During that time, we’ve had an emphatic Conservative victory at the polls (hurrah, I hear you shout) and we’ve even managed to leave the European Union.
Who would have thought that last autumn when Remainers sabotaged the workings of Parliament? Another spontaneous burst of hurrahs.
Slow progress: Precious little has been done to reassure fund investors that another ‘Wood ford’ will never be allowed to happen again
Yet, since June last year, precious little has been done to reassure fund investors that another ‘Woodford’ will never be allowed to happen again. Boos all round.
Although the powder-puff City regulator that is the Financial Conduct Authority has launched an investigation into the demise of Woodford Investment Management, this probe seems to be progressing at a snail’s pace. For former fans of TV children’s programme The Magic Roundabout, more Brian-like than jack-in-the-box Zebedee.
Maybe it’s partly a result of vacillation stemming from a changing of the guard at the regulator – with boss Andrew Bailey moving to the Bank of England to take over the governorship from Mark Carney and Chris Woollard stepping into Bailey’s old shoes on an interim basis.
For the record, Woollard was previously the regulator’s director of ‘strategy and competition’ – hardly the credentials, I would have thought, to oversee a rigorous investigation into the Woodford debacle.
But more likely it’s because the regulator is about as effective a protector of consumers’ financial interests as Woodford was in managing fund portfolios stuffed to the rafters with illiquid stocks. In other words, totally useless.
Think about its failure to take decisive action over Royal Bank of Scotland’s appalling treatment of many small businesses in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis. And think about its failure to protect savers who bought London Capital & Finance mini-bonds, only to lose all their money when the company collapsed last year.
This very point was made to me last week by Alan Miller, chief investment officer of wealth manager SCM Direct and a former fund manager with Gartmore, Jupiter and New Star.
More than anyone else, he helped me pick my way through the Woodford wreckage in the aftermath of Equity Income’s suspension in June last year – and convinced me that brand Woodford was finished when others thought he (Neil Woodford) would come back from the proverbial dead.
Miller is incandescent with rage over the regulator’s failure to act swiftly on Woodford (and other financial scandals) and believes that the FCA is not fit for purpose.
He says that had the Woodford scandal occurred in the United States, ‘we would have witnessed the FBI visiting Woodford’s offices and those of the various connected parties to quickly establish whether there was evidence of fraud or gross negligence’.
He says any investigation would have been ‘quick, efficient and thorough’ – with any parties found guilty of wrongdoing spending ‘a long time in prison’.
In contrast, Miller believes UK investors are treated as ‘third-class consumers’ by the regulator – with the promise of nothing but delayed investigations into wrongdoing that end up going nowhere.
He believes that until such time that the regulator starts putting investors first, there will always be the potential for another ‘Woodford’.
He adds: ‘The message this sad affair sends to others in the asset management industry is – do whatever you like. Put profit before people and take on as much risk as you can because the regulator is unlikely to come after you.’
His final words on the issue? ‘The Woodford affair is scandalous, but even more of a scandal is the tardy response and lack of protection ordinary investors receive from the regulator.’ I couldn’t agree more.
Time for a change in strategy at the top of the FCA. Maybe after all, Chris ‘strategy and competition’ Woollard is the right individual for the job.