MIDAS SHARE TIPS: Markets are down by a third and our tips have been hit too, but don’t panic

Coronavirus has brought economies to a standstill, sent financial markets into shock and panicked investors far and wide. 

Massive government intervention provided some respite for equities last week but stocks are still around a third lower than at the start of the year and dividends are increasingly under threat, too. 

Midas recommendations have shared the pain, some considerably more than others. So what should shareholders do? The temptation may be to cut and run – and many have – but equity investing is supposed to be a long-term process and selling while others panic rarely turns out to be the best strategy. 

Roll with it: Markets are jittery but once people can socialise again, they will return to Hollywood Bowl sites


Midas recommended Hollywood Bowl in December 2017, when the shares were £1.89. They had risen to £3.12 by the beginning of this year. 

Last week, they closed at £1.53, having fallen to below 70p earlier this month. Even though the shares have come off that terrible low, the current price takes little account of the strength of the business or its prospects. 

Hollywood Bowl has increased sales, profits and dividends over the past three years and a recent trading update showed strong growth from last September to February, before Covid-19 erupted. 

Importantly, too, the firm’s chief executive Stephen Burns seems genuinely to care about his 2,100 staff, which should bode well for the future. Most employees are benefiting from the Government’s 80 per cent wage guarantee but Burns is topping that up through March and April, while some staff will receive full pay until May. 

All sites are now closed but the group had already taken steps to mitigate risk, making fewer lanes available at any one time, turning off amusement machines and performing regular deep cleans. In the week before sites were closed, everyone within the group took turns at cleaning, including Burns and his fellow executives. 

They have not just mucked in with staff, they have also showed financial support for the business, buying more than 30,000 shares with their own cash since the beginning of this month. 

Midas verdict: Hollywood Bowl shares have been savaged over the past few months but they should recover. Bowling is a low-cost form of entertainment and Hollywood Bowl is the biggest operator in the UK, with a strong balance sheet and experienced managers. 

Once people are allowed to socialise again, the lanes are an obvious place to go. Hang on to these shares. 

Looking across market sectors, some industries have been savaged, some are just about coping and others are positively benefiting from the ripple effects of Covid-19. Further out, the key question is which firms will emerge from stronger and leaner and which may be permanently scarred? 


SSP Group keeps passengers fed and watered at airports and train stations around the world. It manages eateries such as Upper Crust, Ritazza, Burger King and Yo! Sushi, as well as smarter restaurants and health-conscious cafes. 

Life was pretty good for this business, until coronavirus brought travel to a virtual standstill. Last week, chief executive Simon Smith admitted that like-for-like revenues are around 80 per cent lower than this time last year in the UK, Europe and North America and that prospects are highly uncertain. 

Smith has pulled out all the stops in response. Units are closing, staff numbers are reducing, rents are under discussion and senior staff are taking big salary reductions.

A final dividend of 6p, due for payment last Friday, has been deferred until June and the company is asking big shareholders to waive their entitlements so cash can be kept in the business. 

The first half dividend for 2020 has been cancelled too. At the same time, Smith has secured a £112.5 million bank loan and raised money in the stock market by issuing £216 million of new shares at £2.50 a share. All these measures should keep the business afloat until at least the end of SSP’s financial year in September, and Smith is optimistic that, once coronavirus ebbs away, the company will bounce back.

The lockdown has raised questions however about whether people will resume their former travel habits. Some may be strapped for cash, others may feel less enthusiastic about flying to foreign climes and businesses may decide that video conferencing is cheaper and easier than international meetings.

Midas verdict: SSP shares were £2.98 when Midas recommended them in 2015. Last year, we suggested that investors sell half their stock at a price of £7.07. The shares were £7.00 by the beginning of this year. 

They are now £2.99. Supporters of the business can take comfort from the price increase since the finance package was announced but the stock has still tumbled and the outlook is hard to predict. Now is not the time to sell but shareholders should keep a close eye on this stock over the coming months.


Real Estate Investors has been a pretty disappointing investment, even before the Covid-19 catastrophe. 

Midas recommended the Midlands-based property firm in 2014 at 52p. At the beginning of the year, it was 55p and last week, it closed at 34p. The business was buffeted by Brexit-related worries in 2016 and the shares have clearly been hit hard in recent weeks, too. 

 response seems overdone. Real Estate Investors is a highly conservative business, led by Paul Bassi, a veteran of the property market. The company’s tenants are deliberately spread across sectors, with NHS offices leading the pack, as well as other government bodies. 

There are retailers, restaurants and hotels in the mix, too, but most tenants are responsible for a fraction of the group’s total revenues. Reassuringly, Bassi’s portfolio is 96 per cent let and when quarterly rents fell due last week, no one defaulted or even suggested that they might. Real Estate’s 2019 results, released this month, showed solid progress and a total dividend of 3.8p was proposed. 

Once that is paid, shareholders will have received more than 15p worth of dividend payments per share over the past five years, some compensation for the poor share price performance. 

Midas verdict: Real Estate tenants may struggle if the effects of coronavirus intensify over the coming months. But the company is financially strong, the Midlands has been forging ahead and long-term prospects are bright. At 34p, this stock is cheap – and it offers a yield of more than 10 per cent. 


Food retailers have been booming in recent weeks. Shoppers have gone into panic mode: pasta, booze and loo roll have been flying off the shelves and online delivery services are swamped. 

The frenzy should bolster revenues across the grocery sector but it will feed through to certain suppliers as well. Hilton Food Group, for instance, unveiled an upbeat trading statement last week, saying 2019 figures were ahead of expectations and the current year has started well. Hilton provides Tesco with all its beef and lamb – roasting joints, steaks, chops and more specialised goods, such as barbecueready burgers or Bolognese sauce. 

Having focused on red meat throughout its 26-year history, the company recently expanded into fish, vegetarian and vegan products, in response to changing consumer tastes. 

Hilton operates in several countries outside Britain, including Australia and New Zealand and much of Northern Europe. In each place, the group tends to work with one large supermarket group so it can build a relationship with them and become a partner, not just a faceless supplier. 

The strategy is clearly delivering results. Chief executive Philip Heffer is optimistic about the future and doing pretty well in the present. Lockdowns across the world mean people are eating more at home and the good weather here is likely to encourage barbecue enthusiasts to light up their grills, particularly as eating out is no longer an option. 

Midas verdict: Midas recommended Hilton Food Group back in 2008 when the shares were £1.85 and again in 2013 when the price had risen to £3.05. The stock closed last week at £10.24, compared with more than £11 at the beginning of the year. 

Existing investors keen to bank profits may choose to offload a few shares but they should not sell out completely. This is a solid, well-run business and the 2019 dividend, forecast at 22p, looks pretty secure.


Your gene health is making a direct contribution to the fight against coronavirus. Last week, the diagnostics specialist revealed it is helping medical group Novacyt to make Covid-19 testing kits. 

The tests produce results within just two hours so hospitals can quickly find out whether suspected sufferers and medical staff have the virus. Demand is racheting up by the day from countries around the world, including the US where the authorities gave the tests emergency authorisation last week. 

Tens of millions of tests are expected to be sold over the next few months. Novacyt cannot satisfy all these anxious customers alone so it has turned to just two other businesses to help, one of which is Manchester-based Yourgene. 

The decision is a ringing endorsement of Yourgene’s facilities and its ability to produce cutting-edge diagnostic materials. The company will be building up production in the next few weeks and may play a larger part in the process over time. Midas recommended Yourgene at the beginning of the year when the stock was 13.75p. 

It is one of the few shares to have risen since, to 14.50p, an increase of more than 5 per cent. The group usually focuses on tests for Down’s Syndrome, Cystic Fibrosis and male infertility but it is diverting resources to help in the fight against Covid-19. 

Midas verdict: Medical companies around the world are working to curb the spread of coronavirus and Yourgene, a small AIM business, is at the heart of these efforts. The business is at a pioneer in the sophisticated medical diagnostics industry and the shares should continue to gain ground. 

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