Letting agents have claimed that recent legislation banning them from charging renters upfront fees has resulted in a swathe of landlords hiking rents.
In a report issued this week letting agent trade body ARLA Propertymark said the number of agents reporting they had seen rents rise hit the highest figure on record in June, up 22 per cent from May which was a previous record high.
David Cox, ARLA Propertymark chief executive, said: ‘Unsurprisingly, rent costs hit a record high in June as tenants suffered the impact of the tenant fee ban.
‘Ever since the Government proposed the ban, we warned that tenants would continue to pay the same amount, but the cost would be passed onto tenants through increased rents, rather than upfront costs.’
Letting agents have warned that the ban on fees has been passed on down to tenants
The tenant fees ban, which came in earlier this year, prevents agents from charging rip-off fees to renters signing up to new tenancies.
It’s estimated it has saved renters signing new tenancy agreements around £400 each since June.
Before the legislation was passed, letting agents repeatedly warned that these costs would have to be passed on to landlords who would most likely then pass them on to tenants in the form of higher rents.
Now they say the figures are bearing this out. But homeless charity Shelter has hit back with Greg Beales, director of campaigns at Shelter, describing the claims as ‘absurd scaremongering’.
Beales said: ‘It’s absurd to claim that the tenants fee ban has made private rents rocket, when the Government’s official statistics show this isn’t true.
‘In fact, before plans for the ban were introduced, private rents were rising more quickly in England than they are now.
‘This kind of scaremongering is completely the wrong thing to do.’
So who is right?
There is a supply and demand issue in the rental market, and figures suggest that it’s getting worse.
The rate at which new tenants are entering the market is speeding up, while the number of new landlords is in decline.
According to a recent market report from estate agent Haart, the number of new tenancies across England and Wales rose by 9.2 per cent in July and by 23 per cent over the course of the year.
This doesn’t mean that there are 23 per cent more renters in England and Wales than there was a year ago, just that the number of new tenancies rose by that amount – but it does show that the rate at which renters enter the market is accelerating considerably.
Rents are actually falling according to estate agency Haart
On the other hand, the number of new landlords registering to buy has fallen 14 per cent across England and Wales.
This squeeze in supply and increase in demand naturally leads to higher rents.
But according to Haart, the average rent actually fell by 0.4 per cent in June, and by 4 per cent over the course of the year, to sit at £1,239 per month.
These figures are based on restricted data however – Office for National Statistics data (the most comprehensive) indicate that rents have risen by 1.33 per cent over the same time period.
A report released yesterday by mortgage lender Kent Reliance echoed this.
The lender reported the fastest annual rent climb since 2017, with rents outpacing house prices in terms of growth. And experts expect rents to continue rising.
A Royal Institute for Chartered Surveyors report released today said: ‘As the new Government seems to be concentrating on increasing home ownership, falling supply in the lettings market seems likely to squeeze rents higher.’
But is the tenant fees ban to blame for this, or is there another reason?
ONS figures show that rents were rising more rapidly in 2016 and 2017 than they are today
Is the ban to blame?
RICS reported that the number of new landlords entering the market has been in decline for 13 quarters, or three and a bit years – long before the tenant fees ban was in the picture.
This indicates that buy-to-let investment appetite has already been falling due to other reasons – most likely the cocktail of tax and regulatory changes that has hit the market since 2016, including the introduction of a 3 per cent surcharge in stamp duty on buy-to-let purchases.
In fact, the number of new landlords entering the market was in decline long before the Government floated the idea of a tenant fee ban.
Date | Inflation | Percent change to year |
June 2015 | 100 | n/a |
June 2016 | 102.5 | 2.55 per cent |
June 2017 | 104.5 | 1.86 per cent |
June 2018 | 105.5 | 0.98 per cent |
June 2019 | 106.9 | 1.33 per cent |
ONS Index |
And ONS figures back up Shelter’s claim that rents were rising more rapidly before the ban.
2016 saw a 2.55 per cent rise, while 2017 saw a 1.86 per cent rise – both higher than the 1.33 per cent recorded in June this year.
Tenant campaign group Generation Rent’s Georgie Laming said: ‘The tenant fees ban has cut in half what renters can expect to pay when moving into a new property.
‘Some landlords might try to increase rent to cover loss of earnings from the ban but this is far preferable to large upfront costs that put lots of families into debt at the start of a tenancy.
‘While landlords may claim that rents are rising because it’s now cheaper to move, tenants have more clout to negotiate with their landlord over things like repairs or rent increases.
‘It’s important to remember that rents can only rise to an amount that tenants can afford – so landlords raising their rents will find it harder to let in the long run.’
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