I am 60 later this year and as a deferred member of the NHS defined benefit 1995 scheme I am entitled to claim my mandatory 25 per cent lump sum and receive a monthly pension.
There is no benefit to delaying taking these sums.
I have worked in the private sector for the last 19 years and built up two defined contribution pension funds (one with my current employer). I pay into both funds with my employer paying into the company scheme.
Once in receipt of the lump sum and pension payments can I continue to contribute into both my defined contribution pensions up to the maximum Money Purchase Annual Allowance of £40,000 a year (my salary is in excess of this and I currently pay around 30 per cent of salary between these funds)?
Retirement planning: Can I start drawing from an old pension and still put £40k a year into my two other ones?
My pension plan is to further increase contributions periodically until I retire. Further I also make lump sum contributions when I have spare funds so would these be classed as pension recycling having received my 25 per cent lump sum?
Most of what I have read on these subjects only refers to drawing from a defined contribution pension scheme.
Steve Webb replies: Several readers of This is Money have written in recently with closely related question about the limits on paying into a pension later in life once you’ve already starting taking money out of your pension. Hopefully I can clarify the rules.
In the simplest case, as you say, an individual can contribute up to £40,000 a year into a pension whilst benefiting from tax relief on their contributions.
Steve Webb: Find out how to ask the former Pensions Minister a question about your retirement savings in the box below
This is known as the annual allowance. Those who earn under £40,000 can contribute up to 100 per cent of their salary into a pension.
This is gradually reduced, or ‘tapered’, from £40,000 to £10,000 for those with an income of between £150,000 and £210,000 a year – that is based on total income, including any growth in a pension pot, rather than simply earnings.
However, there is another cap on contributions which was introduced in April 2015 and this is called the Money Purchase Annual Allowance (MPAA).
Note that ‘money purchase’ is simply pensions jargon for a ‘pot of money’ pension, as opposed to a ‘salary-related’ pension like your NHS one.
The MPAA was originally set at £10,000 per year and was cut in April 2017 to £4,000 per year.
The MPAA was introduced alongside the ‘pension freedoms’ changes of 2015 to discourage people from repeatedly taking money out of a pension, benefiting from the chance to take tax-free cash, and then reinvesting all the money back into a pension with another slice of tax relief top-up from the government.
The way that the system works is that the first time you take taxable cash out of a ‘pot of money’ pension, the MPAA is triggered.
When this happens, the annual amount of money you can contribute into a ‘pot of money’ pension in future years is limited by the MPAA.
Two things follow on from the definition I have just given:
1. Taking money from a salary-related pension does *not* trigger the MPAA; in your case, there is nothing to stop you contributing substantial sums into pot of money pensions even though you are drawing a salary-related NHS pension;
2. Just taking your tax-free cash from a pot-of-money pension does *not* trigger the MPAA; provided that the rest goes into a flexible drawdown account and is not touched, then the MPAA does not apply;
The one exception to the explanation above is that cashing out very small pension pots worth under £10,000 does not generally trigger the MPAA.
On your question about ‘recycling’, there is a separate set of rules about people using their tax free lump sum to fund a significant increase in their pension contributions.
HMRC say that very few people are likely to be caught by these rules, but you can see a list of conditions which all have to be met to trigger the rules on ‘recycling’ here.
One of the six conditions which has to be satisfied is that the extra amount going into pensions over-and-above your regular pension saving would have to exceed 30 per cent of your tax-free lump sum. Anything below this would not trigger the recycling rules.
Finally, it is worth noting that the lifetime allowance – the amount you can put into your pensions in total and still qualify for tax relief – is currently £1,055,000.
You should keep this in mind if your NHS pension and the other two you are still paying into are putting you close to this limit.
The way your NHS pension will be tested against the LTA is by multiplying the annual pension by 20, adding the lump sum and then adding your other pension pots.
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